SB111,1266,96 (b) If the victim chooses to report the sexual assault to a Wisconsin law
7enforcement agency and thus has consented to the analysis of his or her sexual
8assault kit, process the kit in accordance with the procedures specified in the rules
9promulgated under sub. (6).
SB111,1266,15 10(5) If a law enforcement agency takes possession of a sexual assault kit after
11it has been processed by the state crime laboratories, notwithstanding s. 968.205, it
12shall securely store the sexual assault kit for a period of 50 years, or until the date
13of the expiration of the statute of limitations, or until the end of the term of
14imprisonment or probation of a person who was convicted in the sexual assault case,
15whichever is longer.
SB111,1266,16 16(6) The department shall promulgate rules to administer this section.
SB111,2309 17Section 2309 . 165.83 (1) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1266,1918 165.83 (1) (c) 1. An act that is committed by a person who has attained the age
19of 17
an adult and that is a felony or a misdemeanor.
SB111,2310 20Section 2310 . 165.83 (1) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1266,2321 165.83 (1) (c) 2. An act that is committed by a person minor who has attained
22the age of 10 but who has not attained the age of 17 and that would be a felony or
23misdemeanor if committed by an adult.
SB111,2311 24Section 2311 . 165.842 of the statutes is created to read:
1165.842 Motor vehicle stops; collection and analysis of information;
2annual report.
(1) Definitions. In this section:
SB111,1267,33 (a) “Department" means the department of justice.
SB111,1267,44 (b) “Law enforcement agency" has the meaning given in s. 165.85 (2) (bv).
SB111,1267,55 (c) “Law enforcement officer" has the meaning given in s. 165.85 (2) (c).
SB111,1267,106 (d) “Motor vehicle stop" means the stop or detention of a motor vehicle that is
7traveling in any public or private place, or the detention of an occupied motor vehicle
8that is already stopped in any public or private place, for the purpose of investigating
9any alleged or suspected violation of a state or federal law or city, village, town, or
10county ordinance.
SB111,1267,15 11(2) Information collection required. All persons in charge of law
12enforcement and tribal law enforcement agencies shall obtain, or cause to be
13obtained, all of the following information with respect to each motor vehicle stop
14made on or after January 1, 2022, by a law enforcement officer employed by the law
15enforcement agency:
SB111,1267,1716 (a) The name, address, gender, and race of the operator of the motor vehicle.
17The officer shall subjectively select the operator's race from the following list:
SB111,1267,1818 1. Caucasian.
SB111,1267,1919 2. Black or African American.
SB111,1267,2020 3. Hispanic.
SB111,1267,2121 4. American Indian or Alaska Native.
SB111,1267,2222 5. Asian or Pacific Islander.
SB111,1267,2323 (b) The reason the officer stopped or detained the motor vehicle.
SB111,1267,2424 (c) The make and year of the motor vehicle.
SB111,1267,2525 (d) The date, time, and location of the motor vehicle stop.
1(e) Whether or not a law enforcement officer conducted a search of the motor
2vehicle, the operator, or any passenger and, if so, whether the search was with
3consent or by other means.
SB111,1268,54 (f) The name, address, gender, and race of any person searched, with the officer
5subjectively selecting the person's race from the list under par. (a).
SB111,1268,66 (g) The name and badge number of the officer making the motor vehicle stop.
SB111,1268,11 7(3) Submission of information collected. All persons in charge of law
8enforcement agencies shall forward the information obtained under sub. (2) to the
9department using the format prescribed by the rules promulgated under sub. (5) and
10in accordance with the reporting schedule established under the rules promulgated
11under sub. (5).
SB111,1268,15 12(4) Analysis and report by department. (a) The department shall compile the
13information submitted to it by law enforcement agencies under sub. (3) and shall
14analyze the information, along with any other relevant information, to determine,
15both for the state as a whole and for each law enforcement agency, all of the following:
SB111,1268,2316 1. Whether the number of motor vehicle stops and searches involving motor
17vehicles operated or occupied by members of a racial minority compared to the
18number of motor vehicle stops and searches involving motor vehicles operated or
19occupied solely by persons who are not members of a racial minority is
20disproportionate based on an estimate of the population and characteristics of all
21persons traveling on state highways, on an estimate of the populations and
22characteristics of persons traveling on state highways who are violating a law or
23ordinance, or on some other relevant population estimate.