objection by standing committee to proposed rule,
president refers to JCRAR 46 (2)(am)
report concerning action (or inaction) on proposed rule 27 (2)
senate committee (JCRAR) may return proposal
referred by senate 20 (3)(b)
Administrative rules, review of:
bill to suspend proposed administrative rule: reference
to calendar after 30 days 41 (1)(d)
notice and report referred to committee
by president 46 (2)(am)
objection by standing committee to proposed rule,
president refers to JCRAR 46 (2)(am)
report concerning action (or inaction) on
proposed rule 17 (1)(f), 27 (2)
rereference to different standing committee 46 (2)(b)
Admission to senate floor:
contestants for seats admitted to 12
correspondents of news media admitted, limited to
press lobby while senate meeting in session;
recording by 11 (5), (7)
denied to person engaged in defeating or
promoting legislation 11 (3), (4)
disturbance on, and clearing of members and others 13
floor access limited to governor, lieutenant governor,
members of legislature, certain senate staff
and technical staff 11 (1)
invitees of committee on senate organization
admitted to 11 (6)
legislative employees, admitted to staff lobby
while performing their duties 11 (2)
staff lobby access granted to state officers,
members of congress, supreme court justices,
former legislators, and others 11 (2)
Admittance to senate spaces 13r
Adoption (definition) 99 (3)
Adverse disposition:
committee recommendation controls question 55
joint resolution for all pending business, includes
business under call 85 (1)
motion not permitted twice on same day at same
stage of proposal 66
Adverse and final disposition: 46 (6)
proposal not to be renewed in senate in same session 33 (2)
Advice and consent of senate 22
Advisement, presiding office may take point
of order under 56m (2), (2m), (3)
Amend, precedence of motion to 63 (1)(n)