Red bone marrow   0.12
Lung   0.12
Thyroid   0.03
Bone surfaces   0.03
Remainder   0.30a/
Whole Body   1.00b/
a/ 0.30 results from 0.06 for each of 5 “remainder” organs, excluding the skin and the lens of the eye, that receive the highest doses.
b/ For the purpose of weighting the external whole body dose, for adding it to the internal dose, a single weighting factor, wT = 1.0, has been specified. The department shall approve the use of other weighting factors for external exposure on a case-by-case basis until such time as specific guidance is issued.
DHS 157.03(418)(418)“Well” means a drilled hole in which well logging may be performed.
DHS 157.03(419)(419)“Well logging” means all operations involving the lowering and raising of measuring devices or tools which may contain sources of radiation into wells or cavities for the purpose of obtaining information about the well or adjacent formations which may be used in oil, gas, mineral, groundwater or geological exploration.
DHS 157.03(419m)(419m)”Well logging assistant” means any individual who, under the personal supervision of a well logging supervisor, handles sources of radiation that are not in logging tools or shipping containers or who performs surveys required by s. DHS 157.55.
DHS 157.03(420)(420)“Well logging supervisor” means any individual who uses sources of radiation or provides personal supervision of the use of sources of radiation at the well site and who is responsible for assuring compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
DHS 157.03(421)(421)“Well logging tool” means a device used subsurface to perform well logging.
DHS 157.03(422)(422)“Whole body” means, for purposes of external exposure, head, trunk including male gonads, arms above the elbow or legs above the knee.
DHS 157.03(423)(423)“Wipe sample” means a piece of material used to wipe over the area of a surface or device to collect radioactive contamination.
DHS 157.03(426)(426)“Worker” means an individual engaged in work under a license or registration issued by the department and controlled by a licensee or registrant, but does not include the licensee or registrant.
DHS 157.03(427)(427)“Working level” or “WL” means any combination of short-lived radon daughters in one liter of air that will result in the ultimate emission of 1.3E+5 MeV of potential alpha particle energy. The short-lived radon daughters are for radon-222: polonium-218, lead-214, bismuth-214 and polonium-214; and for radon-220: polonium-216, lead-212, bismuth-212, and polonium-212.
DHS 157.03(428)(428)“Working level month” or “WLM” means an exposure to one working level for 170 hours. Two thousand working hours per year divided by 12 months per year is approximately equal to 170 hours per month.
DHS 157.03(429)(429)“Written directive” means an authorized user’s written order for the administration of radioactive material or radiation from radioactive material or a radiation machine to a specific patient or human research subject.
DHS 157.03(429m)(429m)“X-ray control” means a device which controls input power to the x-ray high-voltage generator or the x-ray tube. It includes equipment such as timers, phototimers, automatic brightness stabilizers, and similar devices, which control the technique factors on an x-ray exposure.
DHS 157.03(430)(430)“X-ray equipment” means an x-ray system, subsystem or component thereof that is one of the following:
DHS 157.03(430)(a)(a) Mobile x-ray equipment.
DHS 157.03(430)(b)(b) Portable x-ray equipment.
DHS 157.03(430)(c)(c) Stationary x-ray equipment.
DHS 157.03(431)(431)“X-ray exposure control” means a device, switch, button or other similar means by which an operator initiates or terminates the radiation exposure. An x-ray exposure control may include such associated equipment as timers and back-up timers.
DHS 157.03(432)(432)“X-ray field” means that area of the intersection of the useful beam and any one of the set of planes parallel to and including the plane of the image receptor whose perimeter is the locus of points at which the exposure rate is one-fourth of the maximum in the intersection.
DHS 157.03(433)(433)“X-ray high-voltage generator” means a device that transforms electrical energy from the potential supplied by an x-ray control to the tube operating potential. The device may also include means for transforming alternating current to direct current, filament transformers for an x-ray tube or tubes, high-voltage switches, electrical protective devices and other appropriate elements.
DHS 157.03(434)(434)“X-ray system” means an assemblage of components for the controlled production of x-rays. It includes minimally an x-ray high-voltage generator, an x-ray control, a tube housing assembly, a beam-limiting device and the necessary supporting structures. Additional components, which function with the system, are considered integral parts of the system.
DHS 157.03(435)(435)“X-ray table” means a patient support device with its patient support structure (tabletop) interposed between the patient and the image receptor during radiography or fluoroscopy. An x-ray table includes any stretcher equipped with a radiolucent panel and any table equipped with a cassette tray, cassette tunnel, image intensifier or spot-film device beneath the tabletop.