SB268-SA2,107,139 125.54 (6) Multiple permits. Not more than 2 Multiple wholesalers' permits
10may be issued to any one person. In each application for a wholesaler's permit, the
11applicant shall state that whether application has not been made for more than one
12any other wholesaler's permit and shall identify any other wholesaler's permit held
13by the applicant
SB268-SA2,26gh 14Section 26gh. 125.54 (7) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB268-SA2,107,2115 125.54 (7) (a) 2. A permittee under this section shall annually sell and deliver
16intoxicating liquor to at least 10 retail licensees or permittees that do not have any
17direct or indirect
an interest in each other or in the permittee under this section. The
18department division shall not issue a permit under this section unless the applicant
19represents to the department division an intention to satisfy this requirement, and
20shall not renew a permit issued under this section unless the permittee
21demonstrates that this requirement has been satisfied.
SB268-SA2,26gi 22Section 26gi. 125.54 (7) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB268-SA2,107,2523 125.54 (7) (c) 3. This paragraph shall not affect the authority of any
24municipality or the department division to revoke, suspend, or refuse to renew or
25issue a license or permit under s. 125.12.
1Section 26gj. 125.54 (7) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB268-SA2,108,112 125.54 (7) (d) The department division shall promulgate rules to administer
3and enforce the requirements under this subsection. The rules shall ensure
4coordination between the department's division's issuance and renewal of permits
5under this section and its enforcement of the requirements of this subsection, and
6shall require that all applications for issuance or renewal of permits under this
7section be processed by department division personnel generally familiar with
8activities of intoxicating liquor wholesalers. The department division shall establish
9by rule minimum requirements for warehouse facilities on premises described in
10permits issued under this section and for periodic site inspections by the department
11division of such warehouse facilities.
SB268-SA2,26gk 12Section 26gk. 125.545 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB268-SA2,108,13 13125.545 (title) Small winery cooperative wholesalers.
SB268-SA2,26gm 14Section 26gm. 125.545 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB268-SA2,108,1815 125.545 (1) (a) “Member" means a small winery or small manufacturer that
16meets the requirements established under this section for membership in a
17cooperative wholesaler and that has been qualified and accepted for membership in
18a cooperative wholesaler.
SB268-SA2,26gn 19Section 26gn. 125.545 (1) (ar) of the statutes is created to read:
SB268-SA2,108,2120 125.545 (1) (ar) “Out-of-state manufacturer" means a manufacturer or
21rectifier of intoxicating liquor that is located in a state other than this state.
SB268-SA2,26go 22Section 26go. 125.545 (1) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB268-SA2,108,2523 125.545 (1) (cm) “Small manufacturer" means any manufacturer or rectifier
24that produces and bottles less than 50,000 gallons of intoxicating liquor other than
25wine in a calendar year.
1Section 26gp. 125.545 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB268-SA2,109,32 125.545 (1) (d) “Small winery" means any winery that produces and bottles less
3than 25,000 50,000 gallons of wine in a calendar year.
SB268-SA2,26gq 4Section 26gq. 125.545 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB268-SA2,109,65 125.545 (1) (e) “Small winery cooperative wholesaler" or “cooperative
6wholesaler" means an entity established under this section.
SB268-SA2,26gr 7Section 26gr. 125.545 (1) (em) of the statutes is created to read:
SB268-SA2,109,98 125.545 (1) (em) “Wisconsin manufacturer" means a manufacturer or rectifier
9operating under a permit issued under s. 125.52.
SB268-SA2,26gs 10Section 26gs. 125.545 (2) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB268-SA2,109,1811 125.545 (2) (a) 1. A cooperative wholesaler may only be created as provided
12under s. 185.043 (2) and this section. Each cooperative wholesaler operating under
13authority of this section shall be organized under ch. 185 but shall be subject to the
14limitations on such cooperatives imposed by this section. Subject to subd. subds. 3.
15and 4., only small wineries and small manufacturers may be members of a
16cooperative wholesaler. The principal purpose of a cooperative wholesaler shall be
17to sell and distribute wine intoxicating liquor manufactured, blended, or mixed, and
18also bottled, by its members.
SB268-SA2,26gt 19Section 26gt. 125.545 (2) (a) 3. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB268-SA2,109,2120 125.545 (2) (a) 3. b. The small winery is certified by the department division
21under sub. (6) (a) as a small winery.
SB268-SA2,26gu 22Section 26gu. 125.545 (2) (a) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
SB268-SA2,109,2523 125.545 (2) (a) 4. A small manufacturer may become a member of a cooperative
24wholesaler only if the small manufacturer is certified by the division under sub. (6)
25(a) as a small manufacturer.
1Section 26gv. 125.545 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB268-SA2,110,82 125.545 (2) (b) In addition to the requirements specified in s. 185.31 for the
3board of directors of a cooperative wholesaler, a director representing a member that
4is a Wisconsin winery or Wisconsin manufacturer shall be either an owner or an
5employee of that Wisconsin winery or Wisconsin manufacturer. If any out-of-state
6winery or out-of-state manufacturer is a member of the cooperative wholesaler, at
7least one director shall be either an owner or an employee of an out-of-state winery
8or out-of-state manufacturer that is a member of the cooperative wholesaler.