Blue Book and highway map distribution revised - AB488
Blue Books distributed to libraries under DOC - AB997
Blue Books distributed to libraries under DOC - SB879
Colby cheese designated the state cheese; Blue Book provision - SB519
Colby cheese designated the state cheese; Blue Book provision - AB572
Ruffed grouse designated the state small game bird; Blue Book provision - AB19
Ruffed grouse designated the state small game bird; Blue Book provision - SB21
Spring peeper designated as the state amphibian; Blue Book provision - AB634
board of reviewBoard of review, see Property tax — Assessment
boatBoat, see also Harbor
Bow or crossbow: placing, possessing, or transporting in a vehicle, motorboat, ATV, or UTV revised - SB231
Bow or crossbow: placing, possessing, or transporting in a vehicle, motorboat, ATV, or UTV revised - AB239
Intoxicated operation of an ATV, UTV, or off-highway motorcycle (OHM), intoxicated boating, and intoxicated snowmobiling laws revised; reinstatement fee, treatment program, safety program, and counting previous convictions provisions; JRCCP may report - AB356
Intoxicated operation of an ATV, UTV, or off-highway motorcycle (OHM), intoxicated boating, and intoxicated snowmobiling laws revised; reinstatement fee, treatment program, safety program, and counting previous convictions provisions; JRCCP may report - SB331
Motorboats: revisions to operation by minors, boating safety certificate provision - AB704
Motorboats: revisions to operation by minors, boating safety certificate provision - SB691
bodily harmBodily harm, see Crime and criminals — Battery
bodyworker or massage therapistBodyworker or massage therapist, see Trades and occupations
boilerBoiler, see Public safety
bonds _ municipalBonds — Municipal
Conduit bonding commission revisions re LAB audits and fee to fund a property tax credit - SB570
Conduit bonding commission revisions re LAB audits and fee to fund a property tax credit - AB630
Solids or hazardous waste facility owned by a municipality: alternative method to establish proof of financial responsibility; DNR duties - AB838
Solids or hazardous waste facility owned by a municipality: alternative method to establish proof of financial responsibility; DNR duties - SB714
bonds _ officialBonds — Official
Official bond requirements for town municipal judges - AB86
Official bond requirements for town municipal judges - SB94
bow and arrow huntingBow and arrow hunting, see Hunting
breakfastBreakfast, see School — Lunch