DHS 107.11(5)(e)(e) Services requiring prior authorization that are provided without prior authorization;
DHS 107.11(5)(f)(f) Supervision of the recipient when supervision is the only service provided at the time;
DHS 107.11(5)(g)(g) Hospice care provided under s. DHS 107.31;
DHS 107.11(5)(h)(h) Mental health and alcohol or other drug abuse services provided under s. DHS 107.13 (2), (3), (3m), (4) and (6);
DHS 107.11(5)(i)(i) Medications administration by a personal care worker or administration by a home health aide which has not been delegated by an RN according to the relevant provisions of ch. DHS 133.
DHS 107.11(5)(j)(j) Skilled nursing services contracted for by a home health agency unless the requirements of s. DHS 133.19 are met and approved by the department;
DHS 107.11(5)(k)(k) Occupational therapy, physical therapy or speech pathology services requiring only the use of equipment without the skills of the therapist or speech pathologist;
DHS 107.11(5)(L)(L) Skilled nursing visits:
DHS 107.11(5)(L)1.1. Solely for the purpose of ensuring that a recipient who has a demonstrated history of noncompliance over 30 days complies with the medications program;
DHS 107.11(5)(L)2.2. To administer or assist with medication administration of an adult recipient who is capable of safely self-administering a medication as determined and documented by the RN;
DHS 107.11(5)(L)3.3. To inject a recipient who is capable of safely self-injecting a medication, as described and documented by the RN;
DHS 107.11(5)(L)4.4. To prefill syringes for self-injection when, as determined and documented by the RN, the recipient is capable of prefilling or a pharmacy is available to prefill; and
DHS 107.11(5)(L)5.5. To set up medication for self-administration when, as determined and documented by the RN, the recipient is capable or a pharmacy is available to assist the recipient;
DHS 107.11(5)(m)(m) Home health services to a recipient who is eligible for covered services under the medicare program or any other insurance held by the recipient;
DHS 107.11(5)(n)(n) Services that are not medically appropriate. In this paragraph,“medically appropriate” means a service that is proven and effective treatment for the condition for which it is intended or used;
DHS 107.11(5)(o)(o) Parenting;
DHS 107.11(5)(p)(p) Services to other members of the recipient’s household;
DHS 107.11(5)(q)(q) A visit made by a skilled nurse, physical or occupational therapist or speech pathologist solely to train other home health workers;
DHS 107.11(5)(r)(r) Any home health service included in the daily rate of the community-based residential facility where the recipient is residing;
DHS 107.11(5)(s)(s) Services when provided to a recipient by the recipient’s spouse or parent if the recipient is under age 18;
DHS 107.11(5)(u)(u) Any service which is performed in a place other than the recipient’s residence; and
DHS 107.11(5)(v)(v) Independent nursing services under sub. (6).
DHS 107.11(6)(6)Unavailability of a home health agency.
DHS 107.11(6)(a)(a) Definition. In this subsection, “part-time, intermittent care” means skilled nursing services provided in a recipient’s home under a plan of care which requires less than 8 hours of skilled care in a calendar day.
DHS 107.11(6)(b)(b) Covered services.
DHS 107.11(6)(b)1.1. Part-time, intermittent nursing care may be provided by an independent nurse certified under s. DHS 105.19 when an existing home health agency cannot provide the services as appropriately documented by the nurse, and the physician’s prescription specifies that the recipient requires less than 8 hours of skilled nursing care per calendar day and calls for a level of care which the nurse is licensed to provide as documented to the department.
DHS 107.11(6)(b)2.2. Services provided by an MA-certified registered nurse are those services prescribed by a physician which comprise the practice of professional nursing as described under s. 441.001 (4), Stats., and s. N 6.03. Services provided by an MA-certified licensed practical nurse are those services which comprise the practice of practical nursing under s. 441.001 (3), Stats., and s. N 6.04. An LPN may provide nursing services delegated by an RN as delegated nursing acts under the requirements of ss. N 6.03 and 6.04 and guidelines established by the state board of nursing.
DHS 107.11(6)(b)3.3. A written plan of care shall be established for every recipient admitted for care and shall be signed by the physician and incorporated into the recipient’s medical record. A written plan of care shall be developed by the registered nurse or therapist within 72 hours after acceptance. The written plan of care shall be developed by the registered nurse or therapist in consultation with the recipient and the recipient’s physician and shall be signed by the physician within 20 working days following the recipient’s admission for care. The written plan of care shall include, in addition to the medication and treatment orders:
DHS 107.11(6)(b)3.a.a. Measurable time-specific goals;