Town zoning ordinances affecting shorelands; county shoreland zoning ordinance requirements; county zoning ordinance that applies to all or part of a town’s territory - AB736
oregon, village ofOregon, Village of, see Dane County
organ donationOrgan donation, see Transplant
organic farmingOrganic farming, see Farm and farming
organization, miscellaneousOrganization, Miscellaneous, see also Veteran — Organization; Charitable corporation
Adoption placement for children in foster care with special needs: appropriation to Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin for Wendy’s Wonderful Kids program - AB658
After-school and out-of-school-time programs: DPI grant program established, requirements specified - AB268
After-school and out-of-school-time programs: DPI grant program established, requirements specified - SB258
After-school and out-of-school-time programs: DPI grants to organizations that provide [Sec. 160, 1465, 9134 (2)] - SB59
After-school and out-of-school-time programs: DPI grants to organizations that provide [Sec. 160, 1465, 9134 (2); original bill only] - AB56
ATV and UTV regulations revised; administrative code revision [Admin.Code NR 64.14] [S.Amdts.1 and 2: further revisions] - SB583
ATV and UTV regulations revised; administrative code revision [Admin.Code NR 64.14] - AB652
Authorized state building program for 2019-21 amended to add grant to Wiscraft Inc. (dba Beyond Vision) for purchase and renovation of facility for the employment of blind and visually impaired individuals; DOA to sell existing land and facilities - SB748
Authorized state building program for 2019-21 amended to add grant to Wiscraft Inc. (dba Beyond Vision) for purchase and renovation of facility for the employment of blind and visually impaired individuals; DOA to sell existing land and facilities - AB837
Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc.: DPI grant provisions - SB270
Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc.: DPI grant provisions - AB307
Community-based services grant program established in DHS re prevocational and day services for integrated employment for people with disabilities - AB845
Community-based services grant program established in DHS re prevocational and day services for integrated employment for people with disabilities - SB733
Dairy industry promotion: grants to local organizations that coordinate grazing and grant preference to small dairy processing plants [Sec. 129, 1099; original bill only] - AB56
Dairy industry promotion: grants to local organizations that coordinate grazing and grant preference to small dairy processing plants [Sec. 129, 1099] - SB59
DHS prohibited from certifying a MA provider that provides abortion services and is a nonprofit private entity that has applied or received a grant or contract re family planning project under federal law - AB181
DHS prohibited from certifying a MA provider that provides abortion services and is a nonprofit private entity that has applied or received a grant or contract re family planning project under federal law - SB199
Down syndrome diagnostic tests: certain health care practitioners and genetic counselors required to deliver certain information to parents or guardians; DHS duties and grant program - SB908
Emergency medical supply manufacturers, distributors, and sellers who donate or sell during the declared COVID-19 emergency: civil liability exemption established; conditions and charitable organization provision [Sec. 99-104] - SB932
Emergency medical supply manufacturers, distributors, and sellers who donate or sell during the declared COVID-19 emergency: civil liability exemption established; conditions and charitable organization provision [Sec. 99-104] - AB1038
Farm tractor rollover protection structure: DATCP grants to certain organizations that install, report required - SB35
Farm tractor rollover protection structure: DATCP grants to certain organizations that install, report required - AB31
Fast Forward grants to programs that promote the attraction and retention of personal care workers [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1325c, 9150 (5i)] - AB56
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): performance-based payment system for contractors eliminated [Sec. 720; original bill only] - AB56