NR 463.15(6)(a)3.3. The bag leak detection system shall be certified by the manufacturer to be capable of detecting PM emissions at concentrations of 10 milligrams per actual cubic meter (0.0044 grains per actual cubic foot) or less.
NR 463.15(6)(a)4.4. The bag leak detection system sensor shall provide output of relative or absolute PM loadings.
NR 463.15(6)(a)5.5. The bag leak detection system shall be equipped with a device to continuously record the output signal from the sensor.
NR 463.15(6)(a)6.6. The bag leak detection system shall be equipped with an alarm system that shall sound automatically when an increase in relative PM emissions over a preset level is detected. The alarm shall be located where it is easily heard by plant operating personnel.
NR 463.15(6)(a)7.7. For positive pressure fabric filter systems, a bag leak detection system shall be installed in each baghouse compartment or cell. For negative pressure or induced air fabric filters, the bag leak detector shall be installed downstream of the fabric filter.
NR 463.15(6)(a)8.8. Where multiple detectors are required, the system’s instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detectors.
NR 463.15(6)(a)9.9. The baseline output shall be established by adjusting the range and the averaging period of the device and establishing the alarm set points and the alarm delay time.
NR 463.15(6)(a)10.10. Following initial adjustment of the system, the owner or operator may not adjust the sensitivity or range, averaging period, alarm set points, or alarm delay time except as detailed in the OM&M plan. In no case may the sensitivity be increased by more than 100% or decreased more than 50% over a 365-day period unless the adjustment follows a complete fabric filter inspection which demonstrates that the fabric filter is in good operating condition.
NR 463.15(6)(b)(b) The requirements of this paragraph apply to the owner or operator of a new or existing affected source or an existing emission unit using a continuous opacity monitoring system.
NR 463.15(6)(b)1.1. The owner or operator shall install, calibrate, maintain and operate a continuous opacity monitoring system to measure and record the opacity of emissions exiting each exhaust stack.
NR 463.15(6)(b)2.2. Each continuous opacity monitoring system shall meet the design and installation requirements of Performance Specification 1 in Appendix B to 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (21).
NR 463.15(6)(c)(c) The requirements of this paragraph apply to the owner or operator of a new or existing aluminum scrap shredder who conducts visible emission observations. The owner or operator shall do both of the following:
NR 463.15(6)(c)1.1. Perform a visible emissions test for each aluminum scrap shredder using a certified observer at least once a day according to the requirements of Method 9 in Appendix A to 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04 (13). Each Method 9 test shall consist of 5 6-minute observations in a 30-minute period.
NR 463.15(6)(c)2.2. Record the results of each test required under subd. 1.
NR 463.15(7)(7)Afterburner. The requirements of this subsection apply to the owner or operator of an affected source using an afterburner to comply with the requirements of this subchapter.
NR 463.15(7)(a)(a) The owner or operator shall install, calibrate, maintain, and operate a device to continuously monitor and record the operating temperature of the afterburner consistent with the requirements for continuous monitoring systems in s. NR 460.07 (3).
NR 463.15(7)(b)(b) The temperature monitoring device shall meet each of the following performance and equipment specifications:
NR 463.15(7)(b)1.1. The temperature monitoring device shall be installed at the exit of the combustion zone of each afterburner.
NR 463.15(7)(b)2.2. The monitoring system shall record the temperature in 15-minute block averages and determine and record the average temperature for each 3-hour block period.
NR 463.15(7)(b)3.3. The recorder response range shall include zero and 1.5 times the average temperature established according to the requirements in s. NR 463.163 (13).
NR 463.15(7)(b)4.4. The reference method shall be a National Institute of Standards and Technology calibrated reference thermocouple-potentiometer system or alternate reference, subject to approval by the department.
NR 463.15(7)(c)(c) The owner or operator shall conduct an inspection of each afterburner at least once a year and record the results. At a minimum, an inspection and resulting steps shall include all of the following:
NR 463.15(7)(c)1.1. Inspection of all burners, pilot assemblies, and pilot sensing devices for proper operation and clean pilot sensor.
NR 463.15(7)(c)2.2. Inspection for proper adjustment of combustion air.
NR 463.15(7)(c)3.3. Inspection of internal structures, such as baffles, to ensure structural integrity.
NR 463.15(7)(c)4.4. Inspection of dampers, fans, and blowers for proper operation.
NR 463.15(7)(c)5.5. Inspection for proper sealing.
NR 463.15(7)(c)6.6. Inspection of motors for proper operation.
NR 463.15(7)(c)7.7. Inspection of combustion chamber refractory lining and cleaning and replacement of lining as necessary.