Announcements, adjournment honors, and remarks under special privilege
Senator Jacque, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn in honor of the thousands of Wisconsin residents boarding buses and heading to our nation’s capital for the March for Life and the peaceful protest of the 47th Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision.
Senator Schachtner, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn in honor of her parents, Richard and Bette Rivard, for their 62nd wedding anniversary. After marrying on January 26th in 1958, they had 7 kids, 18 grandkids, and 18 great grandkids. They have raised them all to respect their community, honor their family, and fight for the common good. Senator Schachtner is so grateful to be their daughter.
Senator Hansen, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn in honor of all the communities in the State of Wisconsin that have taken a stand against Citizens United.
Senator Wanggaard, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn in honor of his committee clerk Valirie Maxim on her birthday yesterday and more importantly her engagement this past week. Senator Wanggaard wishes her a happy life, she’s a great committee clerk.
Senator Bewley, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn in honor of Bayfield native Megan Gustafson, who was one of only 11 students in her graduating class at South Shore High School in Port Wing where she excelled at Basketball. Megan went on to a stellar run for the Iowa Hawkeyes, including being named the ESPNW National Player of the Year and two time Big Ten Player of the Year. Both on and off the court, Megan has represented Wisconsin virtues and values, serving in leadership roles, supporting her teammates during their successes and failures, committing to hard work and inspiring others to do the same. To honor her many achievements, her Alma Mater is retiring her number 10 jersey on January 26th. Please join Senator Bewley in congratulating Megan Gustafson on an outstanding college career as she adjourns today in her honor.
Senator Taylor, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn in honor of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr, whose birthday was a couple of days ago. Senator Taylor also wants to recognize the MLK Jr. speech writers contest winners. She honors their efforts and remembrance of Dr. King. Remember the time is always wright to do what is right in honor of Dr. King.
Senator Taylor, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn in honor of Janette Herrera, who founded Kingfest in 2001, to honor the life and legacy of the formidable civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. who challenged us to understand and live up to the idea that “the time is always right to do what is right.”
Senator Taylor, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn in honor of the Greendale High School Marching Band who got to participate in the Rose Bowl Parade.
Senator Ringhand, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn in honor of her brother, Mark Brzezinski and sister Anne Oestreich, who are celebrating their 68th birthday today.
Senator Risser, with unanimous consent, asked to have Senator Miller’s remarks entered into the journal.
“Mr. President,
Last session during the debate on the confirmation Brad Pfaff as DATCP Secretary, you ruled that the Senator from Eau Claire could not allude to the remarks made by other Senators during committee proceedings. Your ruling engendered considerable debate and consternation among minority members that your ruling may have been an arbitrary exercise of majority power.
To your credit you promised to render your decision in writing which was forthcoming a week later. I requested a copy of your ruling in order to satisfy myself with respect to its validity. Your office promptly provided the requested copy. In addition, you arranged for the two of us to discuss your ruling further. Mr. President, I want to thank you for taking the time to discuss it personally with me.
I am satisfied on a number of accounts that were of concern:
1. Mason’s Manual is the primary parliamentary resource for most state legislatures, including Wisconsin.
2. Mason’s manual does, in fact, prohibit members for alluding to remarks made by colleagues during committee meetings unless those remarks are part of the official record of the committee
Mr. President, your written ruling also addressed the issue of limiting debate to the issue that is currently before the body. Mason’s Manual as well as our rules specify that debate must pertain to the issue that is currently before the body. You expressed to me being troubled by Senators straying too far afield from the subject being debated. At your request I advised my Democratic colleagues of your concerns. Additionally I provided them a copy of your written ruling.
Mr. President, I commend you for your approach to the issue of appropriate governance of this body.
Mr. President, this morning, I announce my decision not to run for re-election this fall. With that, I hope that you will allow me to share a few additional comments about civil democracy.
When my term is up this next January, I will have had the honor to serve as an elected official for 24 years. In those nearly two and a half decades, I have always cared deeply about running a legislature in a way that is consistent with the responsibility of a representative body such as ours.
In my early years as a county board supervisor, I and the other freshmen supervisors organized our large class of incoming county supervisors-- nearly one third of the entire board -- to debate civilly and to persuade veteran members to do likewise.
During my second term in the Assembly, Republican State Senator Ted Kanavas and I undertook to implement the New Patriotism Caucus, an effort by the Harwood Institute to encourage responsible citizenship by voters, the media, and legislators in selected states.
Approximately one quarter of our colleagues from both houses participated in the initial meetings of the New Patriotism Caucus, evenly divided between Republicans and Democrats, including the current co-chair of Joint Finance, the Senator from the 8th. Republican Rep Al Ott distributed mirrors to all 99 members of the Assembly. His message was that if we wanted a better functioning legislative body, we needed to look no further than ourselves, we needed to “look in the mirror.”
For the past six years I participated in the National Institute for Civil Discourse as a facilitator to other state legislatures to help them determine more effective and responsible governing practices. These efforts met with mixed success, largely dependent on the commitment of the participants.
What I have learned is that responsible governance goes beyond Mason’s Manual or technical rules, it demands building and maintaining a culture of respect – respect for the institution, respect for the opposition party and respect for the voters who entrust us with this awesome responsibility. Without this culture of respect and responsibility, we undermine public confidence in our democratic institutions.
Sadly, a winner-take-all culture has come to dominate not only our political campaigns, but also the way our government operates. As a result, public confidence has eroded at both the national level and right here in our state, which for many years was regarded as a shining example of good government.
I know that many of you share my concern for the integrity of our legislative bodies. A legislature is a human institution like marriage that requires proactive and mindful maintenance and support in order to remain strong.