(c) In consideration for paying the fee, the department may use work product
17contained in an unsuccessful proposal in connection with any proposed or awarded
18design-build project without making any additional compensation to the
19design-builder. If an unsuccessful design-builder waives the fee, the department
20may not use work product in the design-builder's unsuccessful proposal.
318. 84.062 (13) of the statutes is created to read:
(13) Appeals. (a) Any person aggrieved and directly affected by a
23decision of the office to issue a request for qualifications or a request for proposals
24under this section shall be entitled to judicial review of the decision as provided in
25ch. 227, subject to the procedural requirements of s. 227.53 (1). A person shall be
1considered a person aggrieved and directly affected by a decision of the office if any
2of the following apply to a request for qualifications or a request for proposals issued
3by the office under this section:
1. The request does not include qualifications, requirements, or other items
5required under this section.
2. The request does not comply with procedural requirements under this
3. The request contains material errors or omissions.
4. The request contains material discrepancies, deficiencies, or ambiguities
10that prevent a person from submitting a responsive proposal.
5. The request indicates a bias against or preference for a specific
6. The request exceeds the department's authority.
(b) Any person aggrieved and directly affected by a decision of the office to issue
15a notice of intent to award a contract under this section shall be entitled to judicial
16review of the decision as provided in ch. 227, subject to the procedural requirements
17of s. 227.53 (1). A person shall be considered a person aggrieved and directly affected
18by a decision of the office if any of the following apply to a notice of intent to award
19a contract under this section:
1. The design-builder that received the notice of intent to award a contract was
21improperly certified as a qualified responsible bidder.
2. A mathematical error was made in scoring any of the proposals that resulted
23in an improper intent to award a contract.
13. There is evidence of collusion or fraud involving either the design-builder
2that received the notice of intent to award a contract or a member of the technical
3review committee.
4. There is evidence of bias of a member of the technical review committee.
5. There is evidence that a member of the technical review committee has a
6conflict of interest because the committee member, a member of his or her immediate
7family, as defined in s. 19.42 (7), or any organization or business with which the
8member is associated, as defined in s. 19.42 (2), may benefit from the intent to award
9a contract.
6. The technical proposal or cost proposal submitted by the design-builder that
11received the notice of intent to award a contract is not responsive to the request for
12proposals, contains conditions or qualifications not provided for in the request for
13proposals, or does not assign costs to all services identified in the technical proposal
14or is otherwise materially unbalanced.
(c) If the office prevails upon judicial review, following any protest and
16appellate court proceedings, the office shall be entitled to recover all costs and
17charges included in the final order or judgment, excluding attorney fees. Upon
18payment of costs and charges by the protester, the bond shall be returned. If the
19protesting party prevails, the protesting party shall be entitled to recover from the
20office all costs and charges included in the final order or judgment, excluding
21attorney fees. The entire amount of the bond shall be forfeited if the hearing officer
22determines that a protest was filed for a frivolous or improper purpose, including the
23purpose of harassing, causing unnecessary delay, or causing needless cost for the
24office or parties.
319. 84.062 (14) of the statutes is created to read:
(14) Deliverables. (a) No later than 3 months after the effective date
2of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date], the office shall prepare a report that
3establishes a program structure for delivering projects as required under this
4section. The report shall specify the types of projects to be considered and procedures
5and timelines for the bid process. The office may not designate a project as a
6design-build project prior to the completion of the report.
(b) No later than 6 months after the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB
8inserts date], the office shall prepare a design-build procurement manual that
9incorporates the requirements under this subsection and any applicable
10requirements under federal law. The manual shall be created by a committee that
11includes all of the following members:
1. The director.
2. Two employees of the department who represent the division of the
14department responsible for transportation project development and who each have
15not fewer than 5 years of experience in the transportation construction industry.
3. One person representing a state association of transportation architectural,
17engineering, or design companies to be nominated by the governor and appointed
18with the advice and consent of the senate.
4. One person representing a state association of transportation construction
20companies to be nominated by the governor and appointed with the advice and
21consent of the senate.
5. One person representing a national trade group with a design-build
23certification program and experience in assisting states with the implementation of
24a design-build program to be nominated by the governor and appointed with the
25advice and consent of the senate.
1(c) No later than December 31, 2026, the office shall submit a report to the joint
2committee on finance and the senate and assembly standing committees having
3jurisdiction over transportation matters summarizing observations of the process
4utilized for alternative project delivery methods and describing the effectiveness of
5the alternative project delivery methods contracting procedures. The report shall
6include discussion on scope of work, history of projects selected, evaluation criteria,
7selection process, contract administration, work progression, time and cost
8comparisons between the traditional contracting method and alternative delivery
9methods, claims, and changes.
(d) No later than 6 months after receipt of the report required under par. (c),
11the joint committee on finance shall determine whether the alternative project
12delivery pilot program was successful in providing the department with additional
13tools that allow innovation, reduced project completion time, cost certainty, or
14reduced cost or other advantages or benefits and shall make a recommendation to
15the legislature as to whether the pilot program should be made permanent.
16Section 320
. 84.555 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) Notwithstanding sub. (1) and ss. 84.51 and 84.59, the proceeds of
18general obligation bonds issued under s. 20.866 (2) (uum) are allocated for
19expenditure obligations under s. 84.95 and s. 84.014, the proceeds of general
20obligation bonds issued under s. 20.866 (2) (uup)
and (uuv) may be used to fund
21expenditure obligations for the Marquette interchange reconstruction project under
22s. 84.014, for the reconstruction of the I 94 north-south corridor, as defined in s.
2384.014 (5m) (ag)
1. 1m., for the reconstruction of the Zoo interchange, as defined in
24s. 84.014 (5m) (ag) 2.,
for the reconstruction of the I 94 east-west corridor, as defined
25in s. 84.014 (5m) (ag) 1e., for southeast Wisconsin freeway megaprojects under s.
184.0145, and for high-cost state highway bridge projects under s. 84.017, and the
2proceeds of general obligation bonds issued under s. 20.866 (2) (uur)
and (uuv) may
3be used to fund expenditure obligations for southeast Wisconsin freeway
4megaprojects under s. 84.0145.