Alzheimer’s and dementia training requirement for direct care workers at specified entities -
AB614Alzheimer’s and dementia training requirement for direct care workers at specified entities -
SB603Biennial, online reporting to DHS by adult day centers, CBRFs, and residential care apartment complexes [Sec. 683, 728-730, 732] -
SB59Biennial, online reporting to DHS by adult day centers, CBRFs, and residential care apartment complexes [Sec. 683, 728-730, 732; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB56Children's COP and Birth to 3 Program: appropriation transfers [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9219 (1p)] -
AB56Family Care: functional eligibility extended to deaf-blind persons -
SB701Legislative oversight of DHS federal waiver requests related to the 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 105 (10)] -
SB932Legislative oversight of DHS federal waiver requests related to the 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 105 (10)] -
AB1038Long-term care and managed care programs receiving MA: aging and disability resource center duties, COP statutory language eliminated, regional long-term care advisory committees eliminated, appeal of eligibility determination by care management or managed care organizations [Sec. 48, 60, 193, 194, 197-200, 202, 208, 316, 441-483, 485, 651, 654, 660-666, 682, 686, 687, 689, 696-698, 706-709, 722-725, 731, 733-745, 747-749, 753, 754, 973, 980, 1110, 1354, 1387, 2078, 2109, 2110, 2112, 2133-2142] -
AB56Long-term care and managed care programs receiving MA: aging and disability resource center duties, COP statutory language eliminated, regional long-term care advisory committees eliminated, appeal of eligibility determination by care management or managed care organizations [Sec. 48, 60, 193, 194, 197-200, 202, 208, 316, 441-483, 485, 651, 654, 660-666, 682, 686, 687, 689, 696-698, 706-709, 722-725, 731, 733-745, 747-749, 753, 754, 973, 980, 1110, 1354, 1387, 2078, 2109, 2110, 2112, 2133-2142] -
SB59MA reimbursement rate increase for direct care in nursing homes and intermediate care facilities [Sec. 9119 (11)] -
SB59MA reimbursement rate increase for direct care in nursing homes and intermediate care facilities [Sec. 9119 (11); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB56Nursing home labor region: Racine County provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 664r] -
AB56Harvest for hope grant: DATCP to award to nonprofit statewide food banks and emergency feeding organizations to promote donation of excess and unmarketable farm and food products; sunset provision -
AB540Harvest for hope grant: DATCP to award to nonprofit statewide food banks and emergency feeding organizations to promote donation of excess and unmarketable farm and food products; sunset provision -
SB490Healthy eating incentive pilot program: sunset extended -
SB379Healthy eating incentive pilot program: sunset extended -
AB412Nutritional counseling certification: Chiropractic Examining Board to approve postgraduate nutrition programs and administrative rules revised [Admin.Code Chir 12.03] [introduction required by s. 277.19 (5) (e)] -
AB1018Nutritional counseling certification: Chiropractic Examining Board to approve postgraduate nutrition programs and administrative rules revised [Admin.Code Chir 12.03] [introduction required by s. 277.19 (5) (e)] -
SB904Adult-entertainment establishments: registration with DOJ requirements created, fee and human trafficking provisions -
SB731Possession of child pornography: ``sexually suggestive manner” added and defined; JRCCP may report [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``lewd exhibition of intimate parts" definition replaces original bill provisions] -
SB68Possession of child pornography: ``sexually suggestive manner” added and defined; JRCCP may report -