1(c) Encourage the cooperation of member states in regulating multi-state
2occupational therapy practice;
SB412,10,33 (d) Support spouses of relocating military members;
SB412,10,54 (e) Enhance the exchange of licensure, investigative, and disciplinary
5information between member states;
SB412,10,76 (f) Allow a remote state to hold a provider of services with a compact privilege
7in that state accountable to that state's practice standards; and
SB412,10,98 (g) Facilitate the use of telehealth technology in order to increase access to
9occupational therapy services.
SB412,10,11 10(2) Definitions. As used in this compact, and except as otherwise provided, the
11following definitions shall apply:
SB412,10,1412 (a) “Active duty military” means full-time duty status in the active uniformed
13service of the United States, including members of the National Guard and Reserve
14on active duty orders pursuant to 10 USC ch. 1209 and 10 USC ch. 1211.
SB412,10,2015 (b) “Adverse action” means any administrative, civil, equitable, or criminal
16action permitted by a state's laws which is imposed by a licensing board or other
17authority against an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant,
18including actions against an individual's license or compact privilege such as
19censure, revocation, suspension, probation, monitoring of the licensee, or restriction
20on the licensee's practice.
SB412,10,2221 (c) “Alternative program” means a non-disciplinary monitoring process
22approved by an occupational therapy licensing board.
SB412,11,323 (d) “Compact privilege” means the authorization, which is equivalent to a
24license, granted by a remote state to allow a licensee from another member state to
25practice as an occupational therapist or practice as a occupational therapy assistant

1in the remote state under its laws and rules. The practice of occupational therapy
2occurs in the member state where the patient/client is located at the time of the
3patient/client encounter.
SB412,11,64 (e) “Continuing competence/education” means a requirement, as a condition of
5license renewal, to provide evidence of participation in, and/or completion of,
6educational and professional activities relevant to practice or area of work.
SB412,11,117 (f) “Current significant investigative information” means investigative
8information that a licensing board, after an inquiry or investigation that includes
9notification and an opportunity for the occupational therapist or occupational
10therapy assistant to respond, if required by state law, has reason to believe is not
11groundless and, if proved true, would indicate more than a minor infraction.
SB412,11,1412 (g) “Data system” means a repository of information about licensees, including
13but not limited to license status, investigative information, compact privileges, and
14adverse actions.
SB412,11,1715 (h) “Encumbered License” means a license in which an adverse action restricts
16the practice of occupational therapy by the licensee or said adverse action has been
17reported to the National Practitioners Data Bank (NPDB).
SB412,11,1918 (i) “Executive committee” means a group of directors elected or appointed to act
19on behalf of, and within the powers granted to them by, the commission.
SB412,11,2120 (j) “Home state” means the member state that is the licensee's primary state
21of residence.
SB412,11,2322 (k) “Impaired practitioner” means individuals whose professional practice is
23adversely affected by substance abuse, addiction, or other health-related conditions.
1(L) “Investigative information” means information, records, and/or documents
2received or generated by an occupational therapy licensing board pursuant to an
SB412,12,64 (m) “Jurisprudence requirement” means the assessment of an individual's
5knowledge of the laws and rules governing the practice of occupational therapy in a
SB412,12,97 (n) “Licensee” means an individual who currently holds an authorization from
8the state to practice as an occupational therapist or as an occupational therapy
SB412,12,1010 (o) “Member state” means a state that has enacted the compact.
SB412,12,1211 (p) “Occupational therapist” means an individual who is licensed by a state to
12practice occupational therapy.
SB412,12,1413 (q) “Occupational therapy assistant” means an individual who is licensed by
14a state to assist in the practice of occupational therapy.
SB412,12,1815 (r) “Occupational therapy,” “occupational therapy practice,” and the “practice
16of occupational therapy” mean the care and services provided by an occupational
17therapist or an occupational therapy assistant as set forth in the member state's
18statutes and regulations.
SB412,12,2119 (s) “Occupational therapy compact commission” or “commission” means the
20national administrative body whose membership consists of all states that have
21enacted the compact.
SB412,12,2422 (t) “Occupational therapy licensing board” or “licensing board” means the
23agency of a state that is authorized to license and regulate occupational therapists
24and occupational therapy assistants.
1(u) “Primary state of residence” means the state (also known as the home state)
2in which an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant who is not
3active duty military declares a primary residence for legal purposes as verified by:
4driver's license, federal income tax return, lease, deed, mortgage, or voter
5registration or other verifying documentation as further defined by commission
SB412,13,87 (v) “Remote state” means a member state other than the home state, where a
8licensee is exercising or seeking to exercise the compact privilege.
SB412,13,109 (w) “Rule” means a regulation promulgated by the commission that has the
10force of law.