XX45 Treasurer.
XX46 University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority;
Medical College of Wisconsin.
XX47 University of Wisconsin System.
XX48 Veterans Affairs.
XX49 Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
XX50 Workforce Development.
XX51 Other.
For example, for general nonstatutory provisions relating to the State
Historical Society, see Section 9121. For any agency not assigned a two-digit
identification number or any provision that does not relate to the functions of a
particular agency, see number 51 (Other) within each type of provision. Separate
section numbers and headings appear for each type of provision and for each state
agency, even if there are no provisions included in that section number and heading.
Following is a list of the most commonly used abbreviations appearing in the
DATCP Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
DCF Department of Children and Families
DFI Department of Financial Institutions
DHS Department of Health Services
DMA Department of Military Affairs
DNR Department of Natural Resources
DOA Department of Administration
DOC Department of Corrections
DOJ Department of Justice
DOR Department of Revenue
DOT Department of Transportation
DPI Department of Public Instruction
DSPS Department of Safety and Professional Services
DVA Department of Veterans Affairs
DWD Department of Workforce Development
ETF Department of Employee Trust Funds
JCF Joint Committee on Finance
LRB Legislative Reference Bureau
OCI Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
PSC Public Service Commission