SB45,988,199115.28 (7) (b) Subject to the same rules and laws concerning qualifications of 10applicants and granting and revocation of licenses or certificates under par. (a), the 11state superintendent shall grant certificates and licenses to teachers in private 12schools and tribal schools, except that teaching experience requirements for such 13certificates and licenses may be fulfilled by teaching experience in public, private, 14or tribal schools. An applicant is not eligible for a license or certificate unless the 15state superintendent finds that the private school or tribal school in which the 16applicant taught offered an adequate educational program during the period of the 17applicant’s teaching therein. Private Except as provided in ss. 115.7915 (2) (i), 18118.60 (2) (a) 6m., and 119.23 (2) (a) 6m., private schools are not obligated to employ 19only licensed or certified teachers. SB45,189220Section 1892. 115.28 (7) (cm) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,988,2421115.28 (7) (cm) Consult with the department of workforce development to 22develop the teacher apprenticeship under s. 106.023 in a manner in which an 23individual who completes a teacher apprenticeship under s. 106.23 satisfies the 24requirements for a license to teach under s. 118.19 (6), (8), (9), and (12). SB45,1893
1Section 1893. 115.28 (29) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,989,102115.28 (29) Computer science education grants. Annually award grants 3to school boards to expand computer science educational opportunities in all grade 4levels operated by the school district. For purposes of awarding grants under this 5subsection, expanding computer science educational opportunities includes 6providing professional development, the application of programming or coding 7concepts or integration of computer science fundamentals into other subjects, and 8purchasing curricula and related materials. A school board may not use a grant 9under this subsection to purchase personal electronic computing devices, as defined 10in s. 115.438 (1) (b), computers, or computer hardware. SB45,189411Section 1894. 115.28 (30) (e) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,989,1312115.28 (30) (e) Annually, identify one career and technical student 13organization for each education subject listed in par. (b). SB45,189514Section 1895. 115.28 (30) (f) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,989,1615115.28 (30) (f) Annually, distribute to each career and technical student 16organization identified under par. (e) an amount determined as follows: SB45,989,18171. Determine the total number of pupils who were members of the career and 18technical student organizations identified under par. (e) in the previous school year. SB45,989,21192. For each career and technical student organization, divide the number of 20pupils who were members of that career and technical student organization in the 21previous school year by the total determined under subd. 1. SB45,989,23223. Multiply the quotient under subd. 2. by the amount appropriated under s. 2320.255 (3) (ct) for the current fiscal year. SB45,189624Section 1896. 115.28 (63) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,990,7
1115.28 (63) Mental health training program. (intro.) Establish a mental 2health training support program under which the department provides training on 3all of the following evidence-based strategies related to addressing mental health 4issues in schools to school district staff and, instructional staff of charter schools 5under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), and individuals employed by an out-of-school-time 6program on evidence-based strategies related to addressing mental health needs 7and suicide prevention in schools, including all of the following: SB45,18978Section 1897. 115.28 (67) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,990,149115.28 (67) General educational development test fee payments. (a) 10Subject to pars. (b) and (c), from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (1) (fd), pay to 11GED Testing Service LLC, or its successor, the testing service fee for an eligible 12individual who takes a content area test given under the general educational 13development test. In this subsection, “eligible individual” means an individual who 14satisfies all of the following conditions before taking the content area test: SB45,990,17151. The individual meets the eligibility requirements promulgated by the 16department by rule for a high school equivalency diploma or certificate of general 17educational development. SB45,990,19182. The individual takes and receives a passing score on a practice test for the 19content area that is developed by GED Testing Service LLC, or its successor. SB45,990,2120(b) For each eligible individual under par. (a), pay for no more than one testing 21service fee for each content area test taken in a calendar year. SB45,991,222(c) Pay the testing service fee for a content area test under par. (a) only if the
1eligible individual takes the test on or after January 1, 2026, at a testing site in this 2state that is approved by the state superintendent. SB45,18983Section 1898. 115.28 (68) of the statutes is created to read: SB45,991,104115.28 (68) Health emergencies in learning places; grants. Annually, 5from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (bp), award grants to school boards, 6operators of charter schools, and governing bodies of private schools participating 7in a program under s. 115.7915, 118.60, or 119.23 to comply with requirements 8under ss. 118.07 (1) (b) and (6), 118.075 (4) (a) and (b), 118.60 (7) (g) 1. and 2. and 9119.23 (7) (g) 1. and 2. A grant under this subsection may be used for any of the 10following: SB45,991,1111(a) Automated external defibrillators. SB45,991,1212(b) Automated external defibrillator maintenance. SB45,991,1313(c) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training supplies and materials. SB45,991,1514(d) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation training for school personnel, including 15coaches, school nurses, and athletic trainers. SB45,991,1616(e) First aid training and education materials. SB45,991,1817(f) Other activities that promote preparedness for using cardiac emergency 18response plans in a school or athletic facility. SB45,991,1919(g) Carbon monoxide detectors.