(2m) (a) 3. Beginning in the 2023-24 school year, the sum of the per
9pupil amount under this paragraph for the previous school year; the amount of the
10per pupil revenue limit adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for the current school year,
11if positive; and the change in the per pupil amount under s. 115.437 (2) between the
12previous school year and the current school year, if positive.
234. 118.51 (16) (a) 3. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
(16) (a) 3. b. Beginning with the amount in the 2015-16 school year and
15ending with the amount in the 2022-23 school year, except as provided in subd. 3.
in each school year thereafter, the sum of the amount determined under this
17subdivision for the previous school year; the amount of the per pupil revenue limit
18adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for the current school year, if positive; and the
19change in the amount of statewide categorical aid per pupil between the previous
20school year and the current school year, as determined under s. 118.40 (2r) (e) 2p.,
21if positive.
235. 118.51 (16) (a) 3. bm. of the statutes is created to read:
(16) (a) 3. bm. Beginning with the amount for the 2023-24 school year
24and in each school year thereafter, the sum of the amount determined under this
25subdivision for the previous school year; the amount of the per pupil revenue limit
1adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for the current school year, if positive; and the
2change in the per pupil amount under s. 115.437 (2) between the previous school year
3and the current school year, if positive.
236. 118.51 (17) (b) 2. cm. of the statutes is created to read:
(17) (b) 2. cm. Beginning in the 2023-24 school year, the per pupil
6transfer amount is the sum of the per pupil transfer amount for the previous school
7year; the amount of the per pupil revenue limit adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for
8the current school year, if positive; and the change in the per pupil amount under s.
9115.437 (2) between the previous school year and the current school year, if positive.
(4) (bg) 3. In the 2015-16
to 2022-23 school
year and in each school year
13thereafter years, upon receipt from the pupil's parent or guardian of proof of the
14pupil's enrollment in the private school during a school term, except as provided in
15subd. 5., the state superintendent shall pay to the private school in which the pupil
16is enrolled on behalf of the pupil's parent or guardian, from the appropriation under
17s. 20.255 (2) (fr), an amount equal to the sum of the maximum amount per pupil the
18state superintendent paid a private school under this section in the previous school
19year for the grade in which the pupil is enrolled;
in the 2023-24 school year, if the
20pupil is enrolled in a grade from kindergarten to 8, 10 percent of the revenue ceiling,
21as defined in s. 121.905 (1), for that school year; the amount of the per pupil revenue
22adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for the current school year, if positive; and the
23change in the amount of statewide categorical aid per pupil between the previous
24school year and the current school year, as determined under s. 118.40 (2r) (e) 2p.,
25if positive
; and in the 2023-24 school year, if the pupil is enrolled in a grade from 9
1to 12, 26.8 percent of the revenue ceiling, as defined in s. 121.905 (1), for that school
(4) (bg) 3. In the 2015-16 to 2022-23 school years, upon receipt from the
6pupil's parent or guardian of proof of the pupil's enrollment in the private school
7during a school term, except as provided in subd. 5., the state superintendent shall
8pay to the private school in which the pupil is enrolled on behalf of the pupil's parent
9or guardian, from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (fr), an amount equal to the
10sum of the maximum amount per pupil the state superintendent paid a private
11school under this section in the previous school year for the grade in which the pupil
12is enrolled; the amount of the per pupil revenue adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for
13the current school year, if positive; and the change in the amount of statewide
14categorical aid per pupil between the previous school year and the current school
15year, as determined under s. 118.40 (2r) (e) 2p., if positive.
237. 118.60 (4) (bg) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (bg) 6. Beginning in the 2023-24 school year and in each school year
18thereafter, upon receipt from the pupil's parent or guardian of proof of the pupil's
19enrollment in the private school during a school term, except as provided in subd. 7.,
20the state superintendent shall pay to the private school in which the pupil is enrolled
21on behalf of the pupil's parent or guardian, from the appropriation under s. 20.255
22(2) (fr), an amount equal to the sum of the maximum amount per pupil the state
23superintendent paid a private school under this section in the previous school year
24for the grade in which the pupil is enrolled; the amount of the per pupil revenue
25adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for the current school year, if positive; and the
1change in the per pupil amount under s. 115.437 (2) between the previous school year
2and the current school year, if positive.
238. 118.60 (4) (bg) 7. of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (bg) 7. If the pupil described in subd. 6. is enrolled in a private school
5that enrolls pupils under the program in any grade between kindergarten to 8 and
6also in any grade between 9 to 12, the state superintendent shall substitute for the
7amount described in subd. 6. the amount determined under subd. 4. a. to d., with the
8following modifications:
a. Multiply the number of pupils participating in the program who are enrolled
10in the private school in any grade between kindergarten to 8 by the sum of the
11maximum amount per pupil the state superintendent paid a private school under
12this section in the previous school year for the grade in which the pupil is enrolled;
13the amount of the per pupil revenue adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for the current
14school year, if positive; and the change in the per pupil amount under s. 115.437 (2)
15between the previous school year and the current school year, if positive.
b. Multiply the number of pupils participating in the program who are enrolled
17in the private school in any grade between 9 to 12 by the sum of the maximum amount
18per pupil the state superintendent paid a private school under this section in the
19previous school year for the grade in which the pupil is enrolled; the amount of the
20per pupil revenue adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for the current school year, if
21positive; and the change in the per pupil amount under s. 115.437 (2) between the
22previous school year and the current school year, if positive.
(4) (bg) 3. In the 2015-16
to 2022-23 school
year and in each school year
2thereafter years, upon receipt from the pupil's parent or guardian of proof of the
3pupil's enrollment in the private school during a school term, except as provided in
4subd. 5., the state superintendent shall pay to the private school in which the pupil
5is enrolled on behalf of the pupil's parent or guardian, from the appropriation under
6s. 20.255 (2) (fu), an amount equal to the sum of the maximum amount per pupil the
7state superintendent paid a private school under this section in the previous school
8year for the grade in which the pupil is enrolled;
in the 2023-24 school year, if the
9pupil is enrolled in a grade from kindergarten to 8, 10 percent of the revenue ceiling,
10as defined in s. 121.905 (1), for that school year; the amount of the per pupil revenue
11adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for the current school year, if positive; and the
12change in the amount of statewide categorical aid per pupil between the previous
13school year and the current school year, as determined under s. 118.40 (2r) (e) 2p.,
14if positive
; and in the 2023-24 school year, if the pupil is enrolled in a grade from 9
15to 12, 26.8 percent of the revenue ceiling, as defined in s. 121.905 (1), for that school
(4) (bg) 3. In the 2015-16 to 2022-23 school years, upon receipt from the
20pupil's parent or guardian of proof of the pupil's enrollment in the private school
21during a school term, except as provided in subd. 5., the state superintendent shall
22pay to the private school in which the pupil is enrolled on behalf of the pupil's parent
23or guardian, from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (fu), an amount equal to the
24sum of the maximum amount per pupil the state superintendent paid a private
25school under this section in the previous school year for the grade in which the pupil
1is enrolled; the amount of the per pupil revenue adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for
2the current school year, if positive; and the change in the amount of statewide
3categorical aid per pupil between the previous school year and the current school
4year, as determined under s. 118.40 (2r) (e) 2p., if positive.
239. 119.23 (4) (bg) 6. of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (bg) 6. Beginning in the 2023-24 school year and in each school year
7thereafter, upon receipt from the pupil's parent or guardian of proof of the pupil's
8enrollment in the private school during a school term, except as provided in subd. 7.,
9the state superintendent shall pay to the private school in which the pupil is enrolled
10on behalf of the pupil's parent or guardian, from the appropriation under s. 20.255
11(2) (fu), an amount equal to the sum of the maximum amount per pupil the state
12superintendent paid a private school under this section in the previous school year
13for the grade in which the pupil is enrolled; the amount of the per pupil revenue
14adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for the current school year, if positive; and the
15change in the per pupil amount under s. 115.437 (2) between the previous school year
16and the current school year, if positive.
240. 119.23 (4) (bg) 7. of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (bg) 7. If the pupil described in subd. 6. is enrolled in a private school
19that enrolls pupils under the program in any grade between kindergarten to 8 and
20also in any grade between 9 to 12, the state superintendent shall substitute for the
21amount described in subd. 6. the amount determined under subd. 4. a. to d., with the
22following modifications:
a. Multiply the number of pupils participating in the program who are enrolled
24in the private school in any grade between kindergarten to 8 by the sum of the
25maximum amount per pupil the state superintendent paid a private school under
1this section in the previous school year for the grade in which the pupil is enrolled;
2the amount of the per pupil revenue adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for the current
3school year, if positive; and the change in the per pupil amount under s. 115.437 (2)
4between the previous school year and the current school year, if positive.
b. Multiply the number of pupils participating in the program who are enrolled
6in the private school in any grade between 9 to 12 by the sum of the maximum amount
7per pupil the state superintendent paid a private school under this section in the
8previous school year for the grade in which the pupil is enrolled; the amount of the
9per pupil revenue adjustment under s. 121.91 (2m) for the current school year, if
10positive; and the change in the per pupil amount under s. 115.437 (2) between the
11previous school year and the current school year, if positive.
Payment indexing. The repeal and recreation of ss. 118.40 (2r) (e) 2p. (intro.),
14118.60 (4) (bg) 3., and 119.23 (4) (bg) 3. takes effect on July 1, 2024.”.