SB45,187321Section 1873. 111.85 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,981,1522111.85 (2) (a) Once authorized under sub. (1), a fair-share or maintenance of
23membership agreement covering public safety employees shall continue in effect,

1subject to the right of the employer or labor organization concerned to petition the
2commission to conduct a new referendum. Such petition must be supported by
3proof that at least 30 percent of the public safety employees in the collective
4bargaining unit or at least 30 percent of the employees in a collective bargaining
5unit containing a frontline worker desire that the fair-share or maintenance of
6membership agreement be discontinued. Upon so finding, the commission shall
7conduct a new referendum. If the continuance of the fair-share or maintenance of
8membership agreement is approved in the referendum by at least the percentage of
9eligible voting public safety employees required for its initial authorization, it shall
10be continued in effect, subject to the right of the employer or labor organization to
11later initiate a further vote following the procedure prescribed in this subsection. If
12the continuation of the agreement is not supported in any referendum, it is deemed
13terminated terminates at the termination of the collective bargaining agreement,
14or one year from the date of the certification of the result of the referendum,
15whichever is earlier.
SB45,982,216(b) The commission shall declare any fair-share or maintenance of
17membership agreement suspended upon such conditions and for such time as the
18commission decides whenever it finds that the labor organization involved has
19refused on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation or creed to receive as a member
20any public safety employee in the collective bargaining unit involved, and the
21agreement shall be made subject to the findings and orders of the commission. Any
22of the parties to the agreement, or any public safety employee covered thereby, may

1come before the commission, as provided in s. 111.07, and petition the commission
2to make such a finding.
SB45,18743Section 1874. 111.85 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,982,74111.85 (4) The commission may, under rules adopted for that purpose,
5appoint as its agent an official of a state agency or authority whose public safety
6employees are entitled to vote in a referendum to conduct a referendum provided for
7herein under this section.
SB45,18758Section 1875. 111.86 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,982,169111.86 (2) The division shall charge a state department or, agency, or
10authority the employers share of the cost related to grievance arbitration under
11sub. (1) for any arbitration that involves one or more employees of the state
12department or, agency, or authority. Each state department or, agency, or authority
13so charged shall pay the amount that the division charges from the appropriation
14account or accounts used to pay the salary of the grievant. Funds received under
15this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (1)
SB45,187617Section 1876. 111.88 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,983,518111.88 (1) If a dispute has not been settled after a reasonable period of
19negotiation and after the settlement procedures, if any, established by the parties
20have been exhausted, the representative which has been certified by the
21commission after an election, or, in the case of a representative of employees
22specified in s. 111.81 (7) (a) or (ag), has been duly recognized by the employer, as the
23exclusive representative of employees in an appropriate collective bargaining unit,

1and the employer, its officers and agents, after a reasonable period of negotiation,
2are deadlocked with respect to any dispute between them arising in the collective
3bargaining process, the parties jointly, may petition the commission, in writing, to
4initiate fact-finding under this section, and to make recommendations to resolve
5the deadlock.
SB45,18776Section 1877. 111.90 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,983,97111.90 (1) Carry out the statutory mandate and goals assigned to a state
8agency or authority by the most appropriate and efficient methods and means and
9utilize personnel in the most appropriate and efficient manner possible.
SB45,187810Section 1878. 111.90 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,983,1311111.90 (2) Manage the employees of a state agency or authority; hire,
12promote, transfer, assign or retain employees in positions within the agency or
13authority; and in that regard establish reasonable work rules.
SB45,187914Section 1879. 111.91 (1w) of the statutes is created to read:
SB45,983,2315111.91 (1w) (a) Except as provided in pars. (b) and (c), with regard to a
16collective bargaining unit that contains at least one frontline worker, matters
17subject to collective bargaining to the point of impasse are wage rates, consistent
18with sub. (2), the assignment and reassignment of classifications to pay ranges,
19determination of an incumbents pay status resulting from position reallocation or
20reclassification, and pay adjustments upon temporary assignment of classified
21employees to duties of a higher classification or downward reallocations of a
22classified employees position; fringe benefits consistent with sub. (2); hours and
23conditions of employment.
1(b) With regard to a collective bargaining unit that contains at least one
2frontline worker, the employer is not required to bargain on management rights
3under s. 111.90, except that procedures for the adjustment or settlement of
4grievances or disputes arising out of any type of disciplinary action referred to in s.
5111.90 (3) shall be a subject of bargaining.
SB45,984,76(c) The employer is prohibited from bargaining on matters contained in sub.
7(2) with a collective bargaining unit that contains at least one frontline worker.
SB45,18808Section 1880. 111.91 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,984,119111.91 (2) (intro.) The employer is prohibited from bargaining with a
10collective bargaining unit under s. 111.825 (1) (g) or with a collective bargaining
11unit that contains a frontline worker with respect to all of the following:
SB45,188112Section 1881. 111.91 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,984,1513111.91 (3) (intro.) The employer is prohibited from bargaining with a
14collective bargaining unit containing a only general employee employees with
15respect to any of the following:
SB45,188216Section 1882. 111.91 (3q) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,984,2117111.91 (3q) For purposes of determining compliance with sub. (3), the
18commission shall provide, upon request, to the employer or to any representative of
19a collective bargaining unit containing a only general employee employees, the
20consumer price index change during any 12-month period. The commission may
21get the information from the department of revenue.
SB45,188322Section 1883. 111.91 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,985,823111.91 (4) The administrator of the division, in connection with the

1development of tentative collective bargaining agreements to be submitted under s.
2111.92 (1) (a) 1., shall endeavor to obtain tentative agreements with each
3recognized or certified labor organization representing employees or supervisors of
4employees specified in s. 111.81 (7) (a) or (ag) and with each certified labor
5organization representing employees specified in s. 111.81 (7) (b) to (e) which do not
6contain any provision for the payment to any employee of a cumulative or
7noncumulative amount of compensation in recognition of or based on the period of
8time an employee has been employed by the state.
SB45,18849Section 1884. 111.92 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,985,1210111.92 (3) (a) Agreements covering a collective bargaining unit specified
11under s. 111.825 (1) (g) or a collective bargaining unit containing a frontline worker
12shall coincide with the fiscal year or biennium.
SB45,188513Section 1885. 111.92 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB45,985,1814111.92 (3) (b) No agreements covering a collective bargaining unit containing
15a only general employee employees may be for a period that exceeds one year, and
16each agreement must coincide with the fiscal year. Agreements covering a
17collective bargaining unit containing a only general employee employees may not
18be extended.