(1g) (a) “Health care provider"
means an advanced practice nurse
11prescriber certified under s. 441.16 (2), an audiologist licensed under ch. 459, a
12dentist licensed under ch. 447, an optometrist licensed under ch. 449, a physician
13licensed under s. 448.02, or a podiatrist licensed under s. 448.63
has the meaning
14given in s. 146.81 (1) and includes an ambulatory surgery center.
(1m) (a) The department may provide subsistence payments to a veteran
17on a month-to-month basis or for a 3-month period. The department may pay
18subsistence aid for a 3-month period if the veteran will be incapacitated for more
19than 3 months and if earned or unearned income or aid from sources other than those
20listed in the application will not be available in the 3-month period. The department
21may provide subsistence payments only to a veteran who has suffered a loss of
due to illness, injury, or natural disaster. The department may grant
23subsistence aid under this subsection to a veteran whose loss of income is the result
24of abuse of alcohol or other drugs only if the veteran is participating in an alcohol and
1other drug abuse treatment program that is approved by the department. No
2payment may be made under this subsection if the veteran has other assets or income
3available to meet basic subsistence needs or if the veteran is eligible to receive aid
4from other sources to meet those needs. When determining the assets available to
5the veteran, the department may not include the first $50,000 of cash surrender
6value of any life insurance.
(1m) (b) The maximum amount that any veteran may receive under this
9subsection per occurrence during a consecutive 12-month period may not exceed
10$3,000 $5,000.
(2) (a) The department may provide health care aid to a veteran for
13dental care, including dentures; vision care, including eyeglass frames and lenses;
14and hearing care, including hearing aids
; and for any other medical device prescribed
15by a health care provider.
(2m) (a) The unremarried spouse and dependent children of a veteran
18who died on active duty, or in the line of duty while on active or inactive duty for
19training purposes, in the U.S. armed forces or forces incorporated in the U.S. armed
20forces are eligible to receive payments under subs. (1m) and (2) if the household
21income of those persons does not exceed the income limitations established under
22sub. (3m).
(3) Limitations. The total cumulative amount that any veteran may
25receive under this section may not exceed
(2) (b) 5. A person who is a resident of and living in this state at the time
4of registering at an institution, and who is a veteran as described in s. 45.01 (12) (fm),
5is entitled to the exemption under par. (a).
(3p) (a) 1r. g. The person meets the criteria described in s. 45.01 (12) (fm).
(8) (a) 1r. g. The person meets the criteria described in s. 45.01 (12) (fm).
(12) (fm) A person who was naturalized pursuant to section 2 (1) of the
12federal Hmong Veterans' Naturalization Act of 2000, P.L.
106-207, and resides in
13this state or a person who the secretary determines served honorably with a special
14guerrilla unit or irregular forces operating from a base in Laos in support of the
15armed forces of the United States at any time during the period beginning February
1628, 1961, and ending May 7, 1975; is a citizen of the United States or an alien lawfully
17admitted for permanent residence in the United States; and resides in the state.
(3) (c) (intro.) A veteran, as defined in s. 45.01 (12) (a) to
(f) (fm), or one
20of the following: