SB424-SSA1,10,1411 (c) Procedures if lead contamination is found. If a test submitted under par. (b)
12shows that there is lead contamination in a drinking water source that supplies
13facilities used or to be used as a recreational or educational camp, the applicant for
14an initial or renewed license under this section shall do one of the following:
SB424-SSA1,10,1615 1. `Remediation.' a. Immediately after obtaining the test results, disconnect,
16shut off, or otherwise eliminate all access to water from the drinking water source.
SB424-SSA1,10,1917 b. Provide the facility with an adequate supply of potable water or, for an
18applicant for an initial license under this section, prepare a plan to provide the
19facility with an adequate supply of potable water if licensed or certified.
SB424-SSA1,10,2220 c. Submit along with its application the most recent test results under par. (b)
21and other proof, such as photographs, receipts, or other applicable documentation,
22that it is compliant with subd. 1. a. and b.
SB424-SSA1,10,2523 d. Within 6 months after submitting the application, establish, submit to the
24licensing or certifying authority, and begin to carry out a plan for remediating the
25lead contamination.
1e. Between the date the license or certification is granted, continued, or
2renewed and the date on which the applicant submits an application for the
3subsequent license or certification period, the applicant may demonstrate to the
4appropriate licensing or certifying authority continued compliance with subd. 1. a.
5to d. and submit more recent test results than the last results submitted under par.
6(b). Except as provided under par. (e), if a test result is submitted under this subd.
71. e. that shows no lead contamination in a drinking water source, this subsection
8no longer applies with respect to that drinking water source, but par. (b) applies with
9respect to that drinking water source for an application submitted for the subsequent
10license or certification period.
SB424-SSA1,11,1311 2. `Substitution of water source.' a. Immediately after obtaining the test
12results, disconnect, shut off, or otherwise eliminate all access to water from the
13drinking water source.
SB424-SSA1,11,1814 b. Establish and carry out a plan for providing, on a permanent basis, an
15adequate supply of potable water from external sources, such as bottled water, and
16for ensuring that children served on the premises do not consume water from
17contaminated drinking water sources. The plan shall include the estimated quantity
18of water needed to supply the facility with all potable water needs.
SB424-SSA1,11,2319 c. No later than 3 months after the first application is submitted after the test
20showing lead contamination, submit the plan established under subd. 2. b. and proof,
21such as photographs, receipts, or other applicable documentation, that the applicant
22is compliant with subd. 2. a. and b. and will be during the license or certification
SB424-SSA1,12,724 d. Submit, along with any subsequent application submitted for a license or
25certification period after the one for which an application under subd. 2. c. is

1submitted, proof, such as photographs, receipts, or other applicable documentation,
2that the applicant has been compliant with the plan under subd. 2. b. and an updated
3plan under subd. 2. b. for the period for which the application is submitted. The
4updated plan shall indicate any changes made since the application was submitted
5for the preceding license or certification period. An applicant in compliance with this
6subd. 2. d. is not required to do further lead testing or to submit further lead test
7results after the test results are submitted under subd. 2. c.
SB424-SSA1,12,148 e. If the applicant has previously complied with subd. 2. a. to d., the applicant
9may either indicate in a subsequent license or certification application an intent to
10instead comply with subd. 1., in which case the applicant shall comply with subd. 1.
11with respect to that application; or submit along with a subsequent application a new
12test result under par. (b) for each drinking water source showing no lead
13contamination, in which case the applicant is exempt from further compliance with
14this section.
SB424-SSA1,12,1615 (d) Methods of remediation. Remediation under par. (c) 1. d. may, among other
16methods, include any of the following:
SB424-SSA1,12,1817 1. Affixing a point-of-source or point-of-entry filter onto the drinking water
SB424-SSA1,12,2519 2. Permanently disconnecting, shutting off, or otherwise eliminating access to
20water from a drinking water source if another drinking water source on the premises
21is not contaminated or will be remediated. If a drinking water source is remediated
22under this paragraph, the applicant is exempt from further testing requirements
23under par. (b) with respect to that drinking water source after proof of compliance
24with this paragraph, such as photographs, receipts, or other applicable
25documentation, is submitted to the licensing or certifying authority.
1(e) Low lead level. The testing and application requirements under this
2subsection do not apply to an applicant for a renewed license to operate a recreational
3or educational camp under this section if the last drinking water test results the
4applicant submitted under par. (b) along with an application for an initial or renewed
5license or before an application is due as provided under par. (c) 1. e. showed lead
6levels not higher than 5 parts per billion.
SB424-SSA1,13,137 (f) Federal funding. The department shall, in consultation with the
8department of health services and the department of natural resources, seek federal
9funding to assist operators of recreational or educational camps in paying for the
10costs of complying with the testing and remediation requirements under this section.
11The department shall ensure that any funding obtained for this purpose is
12distributed equitably among those eligible operators of recreational or educational
SB424-SSA1,6 14Section 6 . Initial applicability.
SB424-SSA1,13,1915 (1) This act first applies to an application for an initial, continued, or renewed
16license to operate a group home under s. 48.625, a recreational or educational camp
17under s. 97.67, or a child care center under s. 48.65 or for an initial or renewed
18certification under s. 48.651 submitted on the first day of the 7th month beginning
19after publication.
SB424-SSA1,13,2020 (End)