AB415-SSA1,144,1414 (b) The village of Junction City.
AB415-SSA1,144,1515 (c) That part of the village of Milladore located in the county.
AB415-SSA1,144,16 16(3) Wood County. That part of Wood County consisting of all of the following:
AB415-SSA1,144,1817 (a) The towns of Arpin, Auburndale, Cameron, Cary, Hansen, Lincoln,
18Marshfield, Milladore, Richfield, Rock, Rudolph, Sherry, Sigel, and Wood.
AB415-SSA1,144,1919 (b) The villages of Arpin, Auburndale, Hewitt, Rudolph, and Vesper.
AB415-SSA1,144,2020 (c) That part of the village of Milladore located in the county.
AB415-SSA1,144,2121 (d) The city of Pittsville.
AB415-SSA1,144,2222 (e) That part of the city of Marshfield located in the county.
AB415-SSA1,144,24 234.87 Eighty-seventh assembly district. All of the following territory
24constitutes the 87th assembly district:
1(1) Marathon County. That part of Marathon County consisting of all of the
AB415-SSA1,145,43 (a) The towns of Bevent, Elderon, Franzen, Guenther, Knowlton, Mosinee,
4Norrie, Reid, Rib Mountain, and Ringle.
AB415-SSA1,145,55 (b) The villages of Elderon, Hatley, Kronenwetter, and Rothschild.
AB415-SSA1,145,66 (c) That part of the village of Birnamwood located in the county.
AB415-SSA1,145,77 (d) The city of Mosinee.
AB415-SSA1,145,138 (e) That part of the city of Schofield comprising U.S. census tract 900, blocks
91001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014,
101015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031,
111032, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2016,
122017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, and 2023; and tract 1103, blocks 1004, 1009, 1011,
131013, 1015, 1019, 1020, and 1021.
AB415-SSA1,145,15 14(2) Portage County. That part of Portage County consisting of all of the
AB415-SSA1,145,1616 (a) The towns of Alban, Dewey, New Hope, and Sharon.
AB415-SSA1,145,1717 (b) The village of Rosholt.
AB415-SSA1,145,19 18(3) Shawano County. That part of Shawano County consisting of all of the
AB415-SSA1,145,2120 (a) The towns of Almon, Birnamwood, Fairbanks, Germania, Grant, Morris,
21and Wittenberg.
AB415-SSA1,145,2222 (b) The villages of Eland, Tigerton, and Wittenberg.
AB415-SSA1,145,2323 (c) That part of the village of Birnamwood located in the county.
AB415-SSA1,145,2424 (d) That part of the city of Marion located in the county.
1(4) Waupaca County. That part of Waupaca County consisting of all of the
AB415-SSA1,146,43 (a) The towns of Dupont, Harrison, Helvetia, Iola, Scandinavia, Union, and
AB415-SSA1,146,55 (b) The villages of Big Falls, Iola, and Scandinavia.
AB415-SSA1,146,66 (c) That part of the city of Marion located in the county.
AB415-SSA1,146,8 74.88 Eighty-eighth assembly district. All of the following territory in
8Brown County constitutes the 88th assembly district:
AB415-SSA1,146,18 9(1) That part of the town of Ledgeview comprising U.S. census tract 10300,
10blocks 3012, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, 3028, 3030, 3031, 3032, 3037,
113038, 3040, and 3044; and tract 20702, blocks 1009, 1011, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
122004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
132019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2032,
142034, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 3000, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3008,
153009, 3010, 3011, 3012, 3013, 3014, 3015, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, 3020, 3021, 3022,
163023, 3024, 3025, 3026, 3027, 3028, 3029, 3030, 3031, 3032, 3033, 3034, 3035, 3036,
173037, 3038, 3039, 3040, 3041, 3042, 3043, 3044, 3045, 3046, 3047, 3048, 3049, 3050,
18and 3051.