SB907,,667667Termination of SB907,,668668statutory terminable individual SB907,,669669property classification agreement SB907,,670670I UNDERSTAND THAT: SB907,,6716711. THIS TERMINATION TAKES EFFECT 30 DAYS AFTER MY SPOUSE IS NOTIFIED OF THE TERMINATION, AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 766.589 (4) OF THE WISCONSIN STATUTES. SB907,,6726722. THIS TERMINATION IS PROSPECTIVE; IT DOES NOT AFFECT THE CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY ACQUIRED BEFORE THE TERMINATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE. PROPERTY ACQUIRED AFTER THE TERMINATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE IS CLASSIFIED AS PROVIDED UNDER THE MARITAL PROPERTY LAW. SB907,,6736733. IN GENERAL, THIS TERMINATION IS NOT BINDING ON CREDITORS UNLESS THEY ARE PROVIDED A COPY OF THE TERMINATION BEFORE CREDIT IS EXTENDED. SB907,,674674The undersigned terminates the statutory terminable individual property classification agreement entered into by me and my spouse on .... (date last spouse signed the agreement) under section 766.589 of the Wisconsin Statutes. SB907,,675675Signature: .... SB907,,677677Print Name Here: .... SB907,,678678Residence Address: .... SB907,,679679Schedule “a” SB907,,680680Financial Disclosure SB907,,681681The following general categories of assets and liabilities are not all inclusive and if other assets or liabilities exist they should be listed. Assets should be listed according to which spouse has title (including assets owned by a spouse or the spouses with one or more third parties) and at their approximate market value. SB907,,682682Husband Wife Spouse (Name) Spouse (Name) Both Names SB907,,684684A. Real estate (gross value) SB907,,685685B. Stocks, bonds and mutual funds SB907,,686686C. Accounts at and certificates and other instruments issued by financial institutions SB907,,687687D. Mortgages, land contracts, promissory notes and cash SB907,,688688E. Partnership interests SB907,,689689EL. Limited liability company interests SB907,,690690F. Trust interests SB907,,691691G. Livestock, farm products, crops SB907,,692692H. Automobiles and other vehicles SB907,,693693I. Jewelry and personal effects SB907,,694694J. Household furnishings SB907,,695695K. Life insurance and annuities: