hist121284To the committee on Agriculture, Revenue and Financial Institutions. Relating to: creating a Mississippi River erosion control revolving loan program, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
By Senators Smith and Ringhand; cosponsored by Representatives Billings, Emerson, Pope, Subeck and Spreitzer.
hist121285To the committee on Natural Resources and Energy. Relating to: distribution of Blue Books to libraries under the Department of Corrections.
By Senators Risser, L. Taylor, Smith and Bewley; cosponsored by Representatives Bowen, Vruwink, Brostoff, Sinicki, Zamarripa, L. Myers, Sargent, Hebl, Stubbs, Emerson and Spreitzer.
hist121286To the committee on Government Operations, Technology and Consumer Protection. Relating to: motor vehicle accident reporting requirements and financial responsibility for certain motor vehicle accidents.
By Senator Ringhand; cosponsored by Representative Considine.
hist121287To the committee on Insurance, Financial Services, Government Oversight and Courts. Relating to: claims by and treatment of wrongfully imprisoned persons and making an appropriation.
By Senators Risser, Kooyenga, Wanggaard and Smith; cosponsored by Representatives Hebl, Pope, Subeck, Brostoff, Ohnstad, Sinicki, Sargent, Stubbs, Zamarripa, C. Taylor, Considine, Emerson, Bowen, Crowley, Anderson and Spreitzer.
hist121289To the committee on Insurance, Financial Services, Government Oversight and Courts. Relating to: reasonable accommodations for University of Wisconsin System and technical college students who are victims of sexual violence and harassment.
By Senators Testin and Schachtner; cosponsored by Representatives Thiesfeldt, Horlacher, C. Taylor, Milroy, Sanfelippo and Spreitzer.
hist121291To the committee on Universities, Technical Colleges, Children and Families. Relating to: using telehealth in the practice of dentistry and dental hygiene and granting rule-making authority.
By Senator Kooyenga; cosponsored by Representatives Loudenbeck, Ballweg, Dittrich and Felzkowski.
hist121292To the committee on Health and Human Services. Relating to: creating a Great Lakes erosion control revolving loan program, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
By Senators Wirch, Wanggaard and Ringhand; cosponsored by Representatives McGuire, Kitchens, Neubauer, Kerkman, Brostoff, Dittrich, Fields, Gruszynski, Ohnstad, Sargent, Sinicki, Spreitzer, Stubbs, Subeck and Zamarripa.
hist121293To the committee on Natural Resources and Energy.