DWD 81.08(3)(k)2.2. Maximum treatment frequency is limited to intermittent use during times of increased physical stress or prophylactic use at work. DWD 81.08(3)(k)3.3. Maximum continuous duration is 3 weeks unless patient is status postfusion. DWD 81.08(4)(a)(a) Active treatment modalities shall be used as set forth in pars. (b) to (f). A health care provider’s use of active treatment modalities may extend past the 12-week limit on passive treatment modalities, so long as the maximum durations for the active treatment modalities are not exceeded. DWD 81.08(4)(b)(b) Education shall teach the patient about pertinent anatomy and physiology as it relates to spinal function for the purpose of injury prevention. Education includes training on posture, biomechanics, and relaxation. The maximum number of treatments is 3 visits, which include an initial education and training session and 2 follow-up visits. DWD 81.08(4)(c)(c) Posture and work method training shall instruct the patient in the proper performance of job activities. Topics include proper positioning of the trunk, back and arms, use of optimum biomechanics in performing job tasks, and appropriate pacing of activities. Methods may include didactic sessions, demonstrations, exercises, and simulated work tasks. The maximum number of treatments is 3 visits. DWD 81.08(4)(d)(d) Worksite analysis and modification shall examine the patient’s work station, tools, and job duties. A health care provider may make recommendations for the alteration of the work station, selection of alternate tools, modification of job duties, and provision of adaptive equipment. The maximum number of treatments is 3 visits. DWD 81.08(4)(e)(e) Exercise, which is important to the success of an initial nonsurgical treatment program and a return to normal activity, shall include active patient participation in activities designed to increase flexibility, strength, endurance, or muscle relaxation. Exercise shall, at least in part, be specifically aimed at the musculature of the thoracic spine. Aerobic exercise and extremity strengthening may be performed as adjunctive treatment but may not be the primary focus of the exercise program. DWD 81.08(4)(f)(f) Exercises shall be evaluated to determine if the desired goals are being attained. Strength, flexibility, and endurance shall be objectively measured. A health care provider may objectively measure the treatment response as often as necessary for optimal care after the initial evaluation. Subdivisions 1. and 2. govern supervised and unsupervised exercise, except for computerized exercise programs and health clubs, which are governed by s. DWD 81.13. DWD 81.08(4)(f)1.1. ‘Guidelines for supervised exercise.’ One goal of an exercise program shall be to teach the patient how to maintain and maximize any gains experienced from exercise. Self-management of the condition shall be promoted. All of the following guidelines apply to supervised exercise: DWD 81.08(4)(f)1.a.a. Maximum treatment frequency is 3 times per week for 3 weeks and may decrease with time until the end of the maximum treatment duration period in subd. 1. b. DWD 81.08(4)(f)2.2. ‘Guidelines for unsupervised exercise.’ Unsupervised exercise shall be provided in the least intensive setting appropriate to the goals of the exercise program and may supplement or follow the period of supervised exercise. All of the following guidelines apply to unsupervised exercise: DWD 81.08(4)(f)2.a.a. Maximum treatment frequency is one to 3 visits for instruction and monitoring. DWD 81.08(5)(a)(a) Injection modalities are necessary as set forth in pars. (b) to (d). A health care provider’s use of injections may extend past the 12-week limit on passive treatment modalities, so long as the maximum treatment for injections is not exceeded. DWD 81.08(5)(b)(b) For purposes of this subsection, “therapeutic injections” include trigger points injections, facet joint injections, facet nerve blocks, sympathetic nerve blocks, epidurals, nerve root blocks, and peripheral nerve blocks. Therapeutic injections may only be given in conjunction with active treatment modalities directed to the same anatomical site. DWD 81.08(5)(b)1.1. All of the following guidelines apply to trigger point injections: DWD 81.08(5)(b)1.b.b. Maximum treatment frequency is once per week if there is a positive response to the first injection at that site. If subsequent injections at that site demonstrate diminishing control of symptoms or fail to facilitate objective functional gains, then trigger point injections shall be redirected to other areas or discontinued. Only 3 injections per patient visit. DWD 81.08(5)(b)2.2. All of the following guidelines apply to facet joint injections and facet nerve blocks: DWD 81.08(5)(b)2.b.b. Maximum treatment frequency is once every 2 weeks if there is a positive response to the first injection or block. If subsequent injections or blocks demonstrate diminishing control of symptoms or fail to facilitate objective functional gains, then injections or blocks shall be discontinued. Only 3 injections or blocks per patient visit. DWD 81.08(5)(b)3.b.b. Maximum treatment frequency may permit repeat injection 2 weeks after the previous injection if there is a positive response to the first block. Only 3 injections per patient visit.