NR 463.14(10)(10) Rotary dross cooler. The owner or operator of a rotary dross cooler with emissions controlled by a fabric filter shall do one of the following: NR 463.14(10)(a)(a) If a bag leak detection system is used to meet the monitoring requirements in s. NR 463.15, do both of the following: NR 463.14(10)(a)1.1. Initiate corrective action within one hour of a bag leak detection system alarm and complete the corrective action procedures in accordance with the OM&M plan. NR 463.14(10)(a)2.2. Operate each fabric filter system such that the bag leak detection system alarm does not sound more than 5% of the operating time during a 6-month block reporting period. In calculating this operating time fraction, if inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action is required, no alarm time shall be counted. If corrective action is required, each alarm shall be counted as a minimum of one hour. If the owner or operator takes longer than one hour to initiate corrective action, the alarm time shall be counted as the actual amount of time taken by the owner or operator to initiate corrective action. NR 463.14(10)(b)(b) If a continuous opacity monitoring system is used to meet the monitoring requirements in s. NR 463.15, initiate corrective action within one hour of any 6-minute average reading of 5% or more opacity and complete the corrective action procedures in accordance with the OM&M plan. NR 463.14(11)(11) In-line fluxer. The owner or operator of an in-line fluxer with emissions controlled by a lime-injected fabric filter shall meet pars. (c) and (d) and either par. (a) or (b) as applicable: NR 463.14(11)(a)(a) If a bag leak detection system is used to meet the monitoring requirements in s. NR 463.15, do both of the following: NR 463.14(11)(a)1.1. Initiate corrective action within one hour of a bag leak detection system alarm and complete the corrective action procedures in accordance with the OM&M plan. NR 463.14(11)(a)2.2. Operate each fabric filter system such that the bag leak detection system alarm does not sound more than 5% of the operating time during a 6-month block reporting period. In calculating this operating time fraction, if inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action is required, no alarm time shall be counted. If corrective action is required, each alarm shall be counted as a minimum of one hour. If the owner or operator takes longer than one hour to initiate corrective action, the alarm time shall be counted as the actual amount of time taken by the owner or operator to initiate corrective action. NR 463.14(11)(b)(b) If a continuous opacity monitoring system is used to meet the monitoring requirements in s. NR 463.15, initiate corrective action within one hour of any 6-minute average reading of 5% or more opacity and complete the corrective action procedures in accordance with the OM&M plan. NR 463.14(11)(c)(c) For a continuous injection system, maintain free-flowing lime in the hopper to the feed device at all times and maintain the lime feeder setting at the same level established during the performance test. NR 463.14(11)(d)(d) Maintain the total reactive chlorine flux injection rate for each operating cycle or time period at or below the average rate established during the performance test for the operating cycle or time period. NR 463.14(12)(12) In-line fluxer using no reactive flux material. The owner or operator of a new or existing in-line fluxer using no reactive flux materials shall operate each in-line fluxer using no reactive flux materials. NR 463.14(13)(13) Group 1 furnace with add-on air pollution control devices. The owner or operator of a group 1 furnace with emissions controlled by a lime-injected fabric filter shall meet pars. (c) to (f) and either par. (a) or (b) as applicable: NR 463.14(13)(a)(a) If a bag leak detection system is used to meet the monitoring requirements in s. NR 463.15 do all of the following: NR 463.14(13)(a)1.1. Initiate corrective action within one hour of a bag leak detection system alarm. NR 463.14(13)(a)2.2. Complete the corrective action procedures in accordance with the OM&M plan. NR 463.14(13)(a)3.3. Operate each fabric filter system such that the bag leak detection system alarm does not sound more than 5% of the operating time during a 6-month block reporting period. In calculating this operating time fraction, if inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action is required, no alarm time shall be counted. If corrective action is required, each alarm shall be counted as a minimum of one hour. If the owner or operator takes longer than one hour to initiate corrective action, the alarm time shall be counted as the actual amount of time taken by the owner or operator to initiate corrective action. NR 463.14(13)(b)(b) If a continuous opacity monitoring system is used to meet the monitoring requirements in s. NR 463.15, do both of the following: NR 463.14(13)(b)1.1. Initiate corrective action within one hour of any 6-minute average reading of 5% or more opacity. NR 463.14(13)(b)2.2. Complete the corrective action procedures in accordance with the OM&M plan. NR 463.14(13)(c)(c) Maintain the 3-hour block average inlet temperature for each fabric filter at or below the sum of the average temperature established during the performance test, plus 14°C (25°F). NR 463.14(13)(d)(d) For a continuous lime injection system, maintain free-flowing lime in the hopper to the feed device at all times and maintain the lime feeder setting at the same level established during the performance test. NR 463.14(13)(e)(e) Maintain the total reactive chlorine flux injection rate for each operating cycle or time period at or below the average rate established during the performance test for the operating cycle or time period. NR 463.14(13)(f)(f) Operate each sidewell furnace such that both of the following are met: NR 463.14(13)(f)1.1. The level of molten metal remains above the top of the passage between the sidewell and hearth during reactive flux injection, unless emissions from both the sidewell and the hearth are included in demonstrating compliance with all applicable emission limits. NR 463.14(13)(f)2.2. Reactive flux is added only in the sidewell, unless emissions from both the sidewell and the hearth are included in demonstrating compliance with all applicable emission limits. NR 463.14(14)(14) Group 1 furnace without add-on air pollution control devices. The owner or operator of a group 1 furnace, including a group 1 furnace that is part of a secondary aluminum processing unit, without add-on air pollution control devices shall do all of the following: NR 463.14(14)(a)(a) Maintain the total reactive chlorine flux injection rate for each operating cycle or time period at or below the average rate established during the performance test for the operating cycle or time period.