SB301,,5965962. Add the amount determined under subd. 1. to 14.5. SB301,,5975973. Multiply the population of the city, village, or town in 2022 by the amount determined under subd. 2. SB301,,5985984. Add the amount determined under subd. 3. to 25,700. SB301,,599599(3) For the distribution in 2025 and subsequent years, each county and municipality shall receive a payment under this section equal to the proportion of the total payments from the supplemental county and municipal aid account under s. 25.491 (9) that the county or municipality received in 2024 multiplied by the amount for the year in the supplemental county and municipal aid account under s. 25.491 (9). SB301,214600Section 214. 79.038 of the statutes is created to read: SB301,,60160179.038 Innovation grants and innovation planning grants. (1) Innovation grants. (a) Beginning on the date identified in the notice under 2023 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), section 244 (1), counties and municipalities may apply to the department of revenue, in the form and manner prescribed by the department, for innovation grants to be used to implement innovation plans. For purposes of this subsection, an “innovation plan” is a plan submitted by a county or municipality to transfer county or municipal services or duties described in par. (b) to a county, municipality, nonprofit organization, or private entity. The department may approve an application by a county or municipality for a grant under this subsection only if the county or municipality enters into an agreement or contract to transfer services or duties described in par. (b) to a county, municipality, nonprofit organization, or private entity, and all of the following apply: SB301,,6026021. The county or municipality provides to the department a copy of a signed agreement or contract with a county, municipality, nonprofit organization, or private entity to transfer one or more services or duties to the county, municipality, nonprofit organization, or private entity, and the agreement or contract satisfies all of the following: SB301,,603603a. The agreement or contract specifies the services or duties to be transferred to the county, municipality, nonprofit organization, or private entity. SB301,,604604b. The agreement or contract transfers all services or duties specified under subd. 1. a. for a period of time that is at least twice the length of the period described in par. (d) 1. that remains on the date that the application is submitted. SB301,,605605c. The agreement or contract indicates the cost to the county or municipality transferring a service or duty of performing each service or duty specified under subd. 1. a. in the year immediately preceding the transfer of the service or duty under the agreement or contract, and, if the agreement or contract transfers a service or duty specified under subd. 1. a. to a county or municipality, the cost to the county or municipality to which the service or duty is transferred of performing each transferred service or duty in the year immediately preceding the transfer of the service or duty. SB301,,606606d. The agreement or contract specifies the amount that the county or municipality will pay to the county, municipality, nonprofit organization, or private entity to which the service or duty is transferred of performing each service or duty specified under subd. 1. a. for the entire term of the agreement or contract. SB301,,607607e. The agreement or contract specifies the allocation of grant moneys between the counties or municipalities that are parties to the agreement or contract. SB301,,6086082. The county or municipality provided all services or duties specified under subd. 1. a. in the year immediately preceding the year that the services or duties are transferred under the agreement or contract described in subd. 1. SB301,,609609(b) 1. The department of revenue may award a grant for an agreement or contract under par. (a) only for a transfer of one or more of the following services or duties, and only if the innovation plan indicates that the transfer will realize a projected savings of at least 10 percent of the total cost of providing the service or duty: SB301,,610610a. Public safety, including law enforcement, but not including jails. SB301,,611611b. Fire protection. SB301,,612612c. Emergency services. SB301,,615615f. Training. SB301,,616616g. Communications. SB301,,617617h. Information technology. SB301,,618618i. Administration, including staffing, payroll, and human resources. SB301,,619619j. Public works. SB301,,620620k. Economic development and tourism. SB301,,621621L. Public health. SB301,,622622m. Housing, planning, and zoning. SB301,,623623n. Parks and recreation. SB301,,6246242. For purposes of this subsection, the total cost of providing a service under subd. 1. includes the cost of wages, fringe benefits, training, and equipment associated with providing the service.