Suske-Funk, Haydn
S 754

Swenson, Catelyn
S 190

Taipala, Evan Gra
S 294

Taleck, Garrett
S 851

Talley, Matthew L.
S 102

Taylor, Benjamin J.
S 294

Teske, Tom
S 141

The 300 Club
S 229

Thiel family of Chilton
S 190

Thies, Sydney
S 190

Thill, Wally
S 322

Thomas, David

Thomas, George
S 54

Thomason, Mitch
S 141

Thompson, Muriel
S 355

Thomson, Elizabeth
S 141

Three Square Market – TurnKey Corrections
S 635

Tippel, Timothy David
S 355

Tomberlin, Trent
S 230

Tomorsky, Dennis
S 190

Trepczyk, Joel
S 141

Tschohl, John
S 560

Turner, Ben
S 230

Tyler, S. Mark
S 635

Uebelacker, Rosalie
S 190

Usher, Michael
S 102, 190

Utter, Douglas
S 230

UW–Platteville men’s basketball program
S 355

Valdovinos, Louise
S 54