Sexual contact with an animal, obscene depictions of, or facilitating access to animal for purposes of: felony penalties; child under age 13, sex offender registration, animal retained as evidence, court assessed expenses, and reporting mistreatment of dogs provisions - Act 162
examining boardExamining board, see Chiropractic; Medical service — Occupations; Safety and Professional Services, Department of
excise taxExcise tax
Tobacco products tax imposed on ``vapor products", definition provisions [Sec. 1753b-1757w, 9437 (2m)] [1754 -- partial veto] - Act 9
executive officeExecutive office, see also Governor
Wireless services and infrastructure provider regulatory framework for state and political subdivisions, right-of-way provisions; setback requirements by political subdivisions for mobile service support structures authorized; Rights-of-Way Study Committee created, study required - Act 14
explosiveExplosive, see also Firearms and dangerous weapons
Quarries extracting certain nonmetallic minerals: limitations on local regulation [Sec. 760c-777m, 1103m] [vetoed] - Act 9
exposition districtExposition district, see Public building
extended supervisionExtended supervision, see Sentences and penalties
DATCP: returns of food and certain products during the 2020 public health emergency; county fair aid eligibility modified [Sec. 32, 105 (8)] - Act 185
false statementFalse statement, see Fraud
Health insurance premiums for surviving spouse and dependent children of law enforcement officer, fire fighter, or EMS practitioner who dies in the line of duty: political subdivision, state, UW Board of Regents, and Marquette University required to pay, conditions set; report premiums to DOR for increase in county and municipal aid adjustments - Act 19
MA reimbursement for mental health consultations for students up to age 21: communication with parent added - Act 88
Paternity: presumption and conclusive determination based on genetic tests established; court provisions - Act 95
Work experience program for noncustodial parents: DCF payments to county, tribal governing body, or W-2 agency [Sec. 650m] - Act 9
family _ supportFamily — Support, see also Children — Protection and services
Child support custodial parent fee [Sec. 2117, 9406 (1)] - Act 9
Parent residing in residential family-based AODA treatment program: juvenile court has jurisdiction over the child; DCF to prepare permanency plan and may place child with parent, foster care funding provision [Sec. 491-508, 524, 525, 530-532e] - Act 9
Paternity: presumption and conclusive determination based on genetic tests established; court provisions - Act 95
family careFamily Care, see Nursing homes and adult care
farm produceFarm produce
Motor carrier maximum hours for drivers: federal law exception re planting and harvesting period modified [Admin.Code Trans 325.01] - Act 174
CDL requirement for operation of commercial motor vehicle: exception for farmers and family and employees modified - Act 163
Farmer mental health assistance [Sec. 128, 1098] - Act 9