8(5) Reimbursement payments. Except as otherwise provided in this section, for
9each individual with whom the board enters into an agreement under sub. (4) (a), the
10board shall make 5 annual payments of equal amounts to the individual that in total
11equal the total amount of the individual's outstanding higher education debts, or
12$30,000, whichever is less. The board shall make the first payment as soon as
13practicable after entering into the agreement and the subsequent payments
14annually thereafter upon receipt of the documentation required under sub. (4) (b) 2.
15(6) Adjustments. The department of administration shall annually on July 1
16adjust the amounts appropriated under s. 20.235 (1) (em) and the amount specified
17in sub. (5) to reflect any changes in the U.S. consumer price index for all urban
18consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by the U.S. department of labor, for the
1912-month period ending on the preceding December 31.
20(7) Limits. In a fiscal year, no more than 30 percent of the amount appropriated
21under s. 20.235 (1) (em) for the fiscal year may be used to make payments under subs.
22(5) and (9) (b) to individuals who satisfy sub. (3) (a) 2. b. or c.
23(8) Termination; suspension. (a)
Grounds. 1. Except as provided in par. (c),
24on the date that an individual ceases to be a state resident or manage a farm or
25component of a farm in this state as his or her primary occupation, the board shall
1terminate the individual's agreement under sub. (4) (a) on that date and the
2individual is not eligible to receive any remaining payments under the agreement.
2. If an individual fails to annually submit documentation to the board as
4required under sub. (4) (b) 2. by a due date determined by the board, the board shall
5terminate the individual's agreement under sub. (4) (a) and the individual is not
6eligible to receive any remaining payments under the agreement, unless the board
7at its discretion grants the individual an extension for submitting the required
8documentation. An individual whose agreement is terminated under this
9subdivision may reapply for reimbursement under sub. (3).
Clawback. Upon termination of an agreement under par. (a), an individual
11is liable to the board for an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying the
12amount of the most recent annual payment received by the individual under sub. (5)
13or (9) (b) by a fraction in which the denominator is 365 and the numerator is the
14number of days after the termination date that remain in the year immediately
15following the most recent annual payment.
Suspension. The board shall promulgate rules that allow for suspension of
17an individual's agreement under sub. (4) (a) if, due to circumstances beyond the
18individual's control, the individual ceases to be a state resident or ceases to manage
19a farm or component of a farm in this state as his or her primary occupation for a
20limited period. The circumstances shall include deployment in the U.S. armed
21services or national guard. The rules shall provide for each of the following:
1. Suspending payments during the period the individual ceases to be a state
23resident and reinstituting payments when the individual is a state resident.
2. Suspending payments during the period the individual ceases managing a
25farm or component of a farm in this state as his or her primary occupation and
1reinstituting payments when the individual resumes managing a farm or component
2of a farm in this state as his or her primary occupation.
3(9) Applicants; funding. (a) The council shall advise the board whether an
4applicant for reimbursement payments satisfies the requirements under sub. (3). If
5there is not sufficient funding to make reimbursement payments to all applicants for
6reimbursement, the council shall advise the board to give priority to applicants
7under the following categories:
1. Applicants with the greatest financial need.
2. Applicants who are most likely to successfully continue managing a farm or
10a component of a farm in this state based on factors including an applicant's interest
11in a farming career, demonstrated training and experience, farm business plan, and
12relationship with a mentor.
3. Applicants who own or who are working toward ownership of a farm.
4. Applicants who manage a farm or component of a farm that employs
15sustainable best practices for farming that are identified in the list of approved
16conservation enhancements and practices under the Conservation Stewardship
17Program of the U.S. department of agriculture.
5. Applicants who are members of groups that are underrepresented in farming
19in this state.
(b) If funding is available due to agreement terminations under sub. (8) (a) or
21(10) (b), or if funding is available because the total amount of grants made by the
22board under sub. (5) in a fiscal year does not exceed the limit specified in s. 20.235
23(1) (em), the council shall advise the board of other individuals who are eligible for
24reimbursement under sub. (3). Based on the amount of funding that is available, the
1board may make payments to eligible individuals for a total amount that is less than
2the amount required under sub. (5).
3(10) Penalties. (a)
Forfeiture. Any individual who intentionally provides false
4information to the board or council under this section may be required to forfeit no
5more than $500.
Clawback. 1. If an individual with whom the board has entered into an
7agreement under sub. (4) (a) intentionally provides false information to the board or
8council under this section, the board shall terminate the agreement and the
9individual is liable to the board for the total amount of payments made to the
10individual under sub. (5) together with interest at the rate of 10 percent per year from
11the date of the payments.
2. If an individual with whom the board has entered into an agreement under
13sub. (4) (a) fails to comply with a requirement under sub. (4) (b) 4., the board shall
14terminate the agreement and the individual is liable to the board for the most recent
15payment made to the individual under sub. (5) together with interest at the rate of
165 percent per year from the date of the payment.
17(11) Rules. The board and department may promulgate rules to carry out their
18respective duties under this section.
19(12) Council. The council shall advise the board on carrying out the board's
20duties and promulgating rules under this section. The department shall provide
21administrative support to the council.
22(13) Audits. The legislative audit bureau shall evaluate the effectiveness of the
23program established under this section in accomplishing the purposes specified in
24sub. (1). No later than July 1, 2026, and every 10 years thereafter, the legislative
25audit bureau shall submit a report of its evaluation to the chief clerk of each house
1of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s.
213.172 (3). The report shall include the legislative audit bureau's recommendations
3on terminating, continuing, revising, or expanding the program, including any
4recommendations regarding funding the program.
5Section 4
. 71.05 (6) (a) 30. of the statutes is created to read:
(6) (a) 30. The amount of student loan interest taken as a deduction under
221 of the Internal Revenue Code, to the extent student loan interest was
8reimbursed under s. 39.52 and subtracted under par. (b) 54.
9Section 5
. 71.05 (6) (b) 54. of the statutes is created to read:
(6) (b) 54. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2018, any
11amount received by an individual under the program under s. 39.52.
12Section 6
Nonstatutory provisions.
Initial council members. Notwithstanding the length of term for certain
14members of the beginning farmer higher education debt council that is specified in
15s. 15.137 (7) (intro.), the initial member appointed under s. 15.137 (7) (a) shall have
16a term expiring on July 1, 2021, the initial member appointed under s. 15.137 (7) (b)
17shall have a term expiring on July 1, 2022, and the initial member appointed under
18s. 15.137 (7) (c) shall have a term expiring on July 1, 2023.