88,30Section 30. 447.02 (2) (j) of the statutes is amended to read: 447.02 (2) (j) The educational requirements for a dental hygienist licensed under this chapter to administer nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia under s. 447.06 (2) (e) 4.
88,31Section 31. 447.02 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: 447.02 (4) In the course of investigating a violation of this chapter subchapter, the examining board may require, by order or subpoena, that a person who manages or controls a business that offers dental or dental hygiene services, including management or control of a business through which the person allows another person to offer dental or dental hygiene services, produce patient health care records, as defined in s. 146.81 (4).
88,32Section 32. 447.02 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: 447.02 (5) Except as provided in ss. 447.058 and 447.063, nothing in this chapter subchapter may be construed as authorizing the examining board to regulate business or administrative support functions or services, that do not constitute the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene, provided to a business that provides dental or dental hygiene services.
88,33Section 33. 447.03 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: 447.03 (1) Dentists. (intro.) Except as provided under sub. (3) and ss. 257.03 and 447.02 (3), no person may do any of the following unless he or she is licensed to practice dentistry under this chapter subchapter or holds a compact privilege to practice dentistry:
88,34Section 34. 447.03 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: 447.03 (2) Dental hygienists. (intro.) Except as provided under sub. (3) and s. 447.02 (3), no person may do any of the following unless he or she is licensed to practice dental hygiene under this chapter subchapter or holds a compact privilege to practice dental hygiene:
88,35Section 35. 447.03 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: 447.03 (3) Exceptions. (intro.) No license or certificate under this chapter subchapter is required for any of the following:
88,36Section 36. 447.04 (1) (bm) of the statutes is created to read: 447.04 (1) (bm) The examining board shall grant a compact privilege to practice dentistry to an individual who does all of the following:
1. Submits an application for the compact privilege to the department on a form provided by the department.
2. Pays the applicable fee specified in s. 447.51 (2).
3. Passes an examination administered by the examining board on the statutes and rules relating to dentistry.
4. Satisfies all other applicable requirements under s. 447.50 (4).
88,37Section 37. 447.04 (2) (bm) of the statutes is created to read: 447.04 (2) (bm) The examining board shall grant a compact privilege to practice dental hygiene to an individual who does all of the following:
1. Submits an application for the compact privilege to the department on a form provided by the department.
2. Pays the applicable fee specified in s. 447.51 (2).
3. Passes an examination administered by the examining board on the statutes and rules relating to dental hygiene.
4. Satisfies all other applicable requirements under s. 447.50 (4).
88,38Section 38. 447.06 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: 447.06 (1) No contract of employment entered into between a dentist and any other party under which the dentist renders dental services may require the dentist to act in a manner which that violates the professional standards for dentistry set forth in this chapter subchapter. Nothing in this subsection limits the ability of the other party to control the operation of the dental practice in a manner in accordance with the professional standards for dentistry set forth in this chapter subchapter.
88,39Section 39. 447.06 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: 447.06 (2) (b) A dental hygienist may practice dental hygiene or perform remediable procedures under par. (a) 1. only as authorized by a dentist who is licensed to practice dentistry under this chapter and who is present in the facility in which those practices or procedures are performed, except as provided in par. (c).
88,40Section 40. 447.06 (2) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: