Simonson, Joshua M.
S 102

Singer, Sara
S 102

Skalitzky, Brenen
S 635

Skowronski, Rep. Ken

Slater, Braden
S 754

Slinger, Village of
S 293

Slinger Community Food Bank
S 529

Smith, Benjamin
S 851

Smith, Naomi
S 851

Smithberg, Caleb
S 189

SOFTEC Education, Inc.
S 635

Solberg, Isaiah
S 293

Solberg, Keyton
S 840

Sorenson, Pete
S 635

Spectrum Investment Advisors
S 355

Spenle, Sarah
S 230

Splitt, Cody
S 355

Standaert, Brent
S 141

Standaert, Sally
S 141

Stands, Aimee
S 635

Staniszewski, Gerald
S 635

Stanley-Boyd School District
S 190

Stapleton, Carter Lee
S 102

Stauske, Sarah
S 190

Steffes, Mark and Missy
S 102

Stell, Elizabeth
S 851

Stern, Ruth A.
S 190

Stippich, Megan
S 190

Stoeklen, Steve
S 141