Doula services: DHS to request approval to use MA reimbursement and establish a pilot program in certain counties; community-based doulas grant program [Sec. 679, 690, 9119 (8)] -
SB59Fetal body parts: prohibition on knowingly acquiring, providing, receiving, or using created; physician performing induced abortions required to arrange for final disposition; facility report to DHS modified -
SB524Fetal body parts: prohibition on knowingly acquiring, providing, receiving, or using created; physician performing induced abortions required to arrange for final disposition; facility report to DHS modified -
AB590Infant mortality prevention services: FTE positions [Sec. 9119 (10)] -
AB56Infant mortality prevention services: FTE positions [Sec. 9119 (10)] -
SB59Maternity and newborn care: disability insurance and governmental self-insured health plans required to cover essential health benefit specified by OCI -
AB987Minority health grants from DHS: appropriation modified and program expanded to include maternal and child health services [Sec. 189, 191, 279, 1893, 1894; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 191d; A.Amdt.1: maternal and child health services priority removed] -
AB56Minority health grants from DHS: appropriation modified and program expanded to include maternal and child health services [Sec. 189, 191, 279, 1893, 1894] -
SB59Minority health grants from DHS: funding priority for applicants providing maternal and child health services -
AB932Neonatal abstinence syndrome: MEB to issue treatment best practices guidelines -
SB580Neonatal abstinence syndrome: MEB to issue treatment best practices guidelines -
AB649Opioid antagonist administration and medication-assisted treatment: county jails may enter into a written agreement to provide and civil liability immunity; DHS to study medication-assisted treatment in prisons and jails, report required [A.Amdt.1: provision for pregnant and postpartum women added] -
AB645Parent of a stillbirth: refundable individual income tax credit created -
SB114Parent of a stillbirth: refundable individual income tax credit created -
AB128Postpartum women receiving substance abuse-related health services under BadgerCare Plus while pregnant: extend benefits for one year after last day of pregnancy -
SB630Postpartum women receiving substance abuse-related health services under BadgerCare Plus while pregnant: extend benefits for one year after last day of pregnancy -
AB693Pregnant and postpartum people in the custody of a correctional facility: use of physical restraints limited; testing for pregnancy and STDs and access to certain health services related to pregnancy provisions -
SB316Pregnant and postpartum people in the custody of a correctional facility: use of physical restraints limited; testing for pregnancy and STDs and access to certain health services related to pregnancy provisions -
AB398Pregnant women eligible for MA: DHS to seek approval to extend post-partum coverage [Sec. 685, 688, 695, 703-705; original bill only] -
AB56Pregnant women eligible for MA: DHS to seek approval to extend post-partum coverage [Sec. 685, 688, 695, 703-705] -
SB59Pregnant women eligible for MA: DHS to seek approval to extend post-partum coverage -
SB324Pregnant women eligible for MA: DHS to seek approval to extend post-partum coverage -
AB346Recovery of birth expenses: court cannot include in judgement or order relating to paternity [Sec. 669, 671, 726, 727, 2118, 2119, 9319 (2); original bill only] -
AB56Recovery of birth expenses: court cannot include in judgement or order relating to paternity [Sec. 669, 671, 726, 727, 2118, 2119, 9319 (2)] -
SB59Rights of pregnant women -
AJR155Unborn child alleged to be in need of protection or services: right to counsel of the adult expectant mother at all proceedings -
AB986WIC program changes [Sec. 1896-1934] -
SB59WIC program changes [Sec. 1896-1934] -
AB56Wisconsin Motherhood Month: May proclaimed as -