The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
1Section 1. 66.0811 (4) of the statutes is created to read: AB131,2,9266.0811 (4) Notwithstanding subs. (2) and (3) and s. 66.0901 (11), a municipal 3public utility or a metropolitan sewerage district created under ch. 200 may use 4funds derived from its water or sewerage services for up to one-half the cost of 5pretreatment or other perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances source 6reduction measures for an interconnected customer or other regular customer if the 7costs incurred are less than the costs of the upgrades otherwise required at the 8endpoint treatment facility and if the costs are approved by the governing body of 9the municipality or the metropolitan sewerage district. AB131,210Section 2. 196.49 (7) of the statutes is created to read: AB131,2,1511196.49 (7) With respect to a water public utility or a combined water and 12sewer public utility, the commission may not investigate, impose a penalty against, 13or bring an action to enjoin the public utility for failing to obtain a certificate of 14authority before commencing a project for which one is required under this section 15if all of the following apply: AB131,2,2016(a) The public utility undertook the project in response to a public health 17concern caused by PFAS, as defined in s. 292.315 (1), the presence of which was 18unknown to the public utility until shortly before it commenced the project, and the 19public utility provides evidence showing that the utility has exceeded or is likely to 20exceed the applicable promulgated state or federal standard for that type of PFAS. AB131,3,3
1(b) The public utility promptly notifies the commission of the work and, 2within 30 days after commencing the work, submits the appropriate application 3and supporting documentation to the commission. AB131,3,44(c) The total cost of the project is not greater than $2,000,000. AB131,35Section 3. 281.58 (8e) of the statutes is renumbered 281.58 (8e) (am). AB131,46Section 4. 281.58 (8e) (bm) of the statutes is created to read: AB131,3,157281.58 (8e) (bm) If the department, when ranking projects under this 8subsection or determining an applicant’s eligibility for assistance under this 9section, considers whether an applicant that intends to extend service outside the 10boundaries of a municipality because of water contamination is small or 11disadvantaged, the department shall, to the extent allowable under federal law, 12determine the applicant to be small or disadvantaged if the area receiving the 13extended service would normally be determined to be small or disadvantaged, 14regardless of whether the existing service area would normally be determined to be 15small or disadvantaged. AB131,516Section 5. 281.61 (6) of the statutes is amended to read: AB131,4,1217281.61 (6) Priority list. The department shall establish a priority list that 18ranks each safe drinking water loan program project. The department shall 19promulgate rules for determining project rankings that, to the extent possible, give 20priority to projects that address the most serious risks to human health, that are 21necessary to ensure compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 USC 300f to 22300j-26, and that assist applicants that are most in need on a per household basis, 23according to affordability criteria specified in the rules. For the purpose of ranking
1projects under this subsection, the department shall treat a project to upgrade a 2public water system to provide continuous disinfection of the water that it 3distributes as if the public water system were a surface water system that federal 4law requires to provide continuous disinfection. If the department, when ranking 5projects under this subsection or determining an applicant’s eligibility for 6assistance under this section, considers whether an applicant that intends to 7extend service outside the boundaries of a local governmental unit because of water 8contamination is small or disadvantaged, the department shall, to the extent 9allowable under federal law, determine the applicant to be small or disadvantaged 10if the area receiving the extended service would normally be determined to be small 11or disadvantaged, regardless of whether the existing service area would normally 12be determined to be small or disadvantaged. AB131,613Section 6. 281.75 (5m) of the statutes is created to read: AB131,4,2114281.75 (5m) Referral to the innocent landowner grant program. If the 15department determines that a claimant that submits a claim under this section on 16the basis of contamination by perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances would be 17eligible for a grant under the innocent landowner grant program under s. 292.34, 18and moneys are available under s. 292.34, the department shall refer the claim to 19the program under s. 292.34 instead of reviewing the claim under this section. If 20the claimant’s claim is denied under s. 292.34, the department shall refer the claim 21back to the program under this section. AB131,722Section 7. 281.75 (7) (c) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read: AB131,5,2
1281.75 (7) (c) 2. a. Equipment used for treating the water, including a 2filtration device and up to 2 replacement filters; AB131,83Section 8. 292.11 (9) (g) of the statutes is created to read: AB131,5,54292.11 (9) (g) 1. In this section, “PFAS” means any perfluoroalkyl or 5polyfluoroalkyl substance. AB131,5,962. All of the persons eligible for an innocent landowner grant under s. 292.34 7(3) (a) to (e) are exempt from subs. (3), (4), and (7) (b) and (c) with respect to PFAS 8contamination if the person grants permission to the department to remediate the 9land at the department’s expense. AB131,5,16103. A person not otherwise exempt under subd. 2. is exempt from subs. (3), (4), 11and (7) (b) and (c) with respect to PFAS contamination based on the results of PFAS 12testing on samples taken from lands not owned by the state, unless that testing 13demonstrates that PFAS levels violate any applicable state or federal law, including 14any standard promulgated under state or federal law. This subdivision does not 15limit the ability of a landowner or other authorized party to voluntarily take 16remedial action based on PFAS test results collected by the department. AB131,917Section 9. 292.315 of the statutes is created to read: AB131,5,1918292.315 Municipal PFAS grant program. (1) Definition. In this section, 19“PFAS” means any perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance. AB131,5,2320(1m) Applicability. This section applies only to PFAS for which there is a 21state or federal standard, a public health recommendation from the department of 22health services under s. 160.07, or a health advisory issued by the federal 23environmental protection agency. AB131,5,2424(2) Grants. The department shall provide all of the following grants: AB131,6,12
1(a) Grants to municipalities to test for PFAS levels at municipal water 2systems and municipal wastewater treatment facilities, or to reimburse 3municipalities for PFAS testing performed at properties owned, leased, managed, 4or contracted for by those municipalities after applicable standards for the chemical 5being tested have been promulgated. The department shall base the amount of 6grant awards under this paragraph on the cost of testing and the amount of testing 7needed in each community, while ensuring that funding is available to every 8eligible applicant that submits a claim under this paragraph. The department may 9not require a municipality that submits a claim for a grant under this paragraph to 10provide information other than the basic information necessary to process the claim 11and may not require the recipient of a grant under this paragraph to provide any 12matching funds. AB131,6,2113(b) Grants, provided in equal shares not to exceed $1,800, to entities that are 14not municipalities and that are regulated as public or community water systems for 15the entity to test its drinking water supply for PFAS if required to do so by the 16department, or for reimbursement to the entity for PFAS testing performed after 17applicable standards for the chemical being tested have been promulgated. An 18entity that is not a municipality may apply to the department one time for a grant 19under this paragraph, by a deadline set by the department. The department may 20not require the recipient of a grant under this paragraph to provide any matching 21funds. AB131,7,422(c) Grants, provided in equal shares not to exceed $15,000, to the owner or 23manager of, or the holder of a solid waste facility license issued by the department
1for, privately owned solid waste disposal facilities to test for the presence of PFAS in 2leachate. An entity may apply to the department one time for a grant under this 3paragraph, by a deadline set by the department. The department may not require 4the recipient of a grant under this paragraph to provide any matching funds.