AB415-SSA1,119,77 (b) The village of Friendship.
AB415-SSA1,119,88 (c) The city of Adams.
AB415-SSA1,119,10 9(2) Juneau County. That part of Juneau County consisting of all of the
AB415-SSA1,119,1211 (a) The towns of Armenia, Clearfield, Cutler, Finley, Germantown, Kingston,
12Necedah, and Orange.
AB415-SSA1,119,1313 (b) The villages of Camp Douglas and Necedah.
AB415-SSA1,119,14 14(3) Wood County. That part of Wood County consisting of all of the following:
AB415-SSA1,119,1615 (a) The towns of Cranmoor, Dexter, Grand Rapids, Hiles, Port Edwards,
16Remington, Saratoga, and Seneca.
AB415-SSA1,119,1717 (b) The villages of Biron and Port Edwards.
AB415-SSA1,119,1818 (c) The cities of Nekoosa and Wisconsin Rapids.
AB415-SSA1,119,20 194.73 Seventy-third assembly district. All of the following territory
20constitutes the 73rd assembly district:
AB415-SSA1,119,22 21(1) Ashland County. That part of Ashland County consisting of all of the
AB415-SSA1,119,2323 (a) The towns of Gingles, La Pointe, and Sanborn.
AB415-SSA1,119,2424 (b) That part of the city of Ashland located in the county.
1(2) Bayfield County. That part of Bayfield County consisting of all of the
AB415-SSA1,120,53 (a) The towns of Barksdale, Bayfield, Bayview, Bell, Clover, Eileen, Hughes,
4Iron River, Keystone, Orienta, Oulu, Pilsen, Port Wing, Russell, Tripp, and
AB415-SSA1,120,66 (b) The cities of Bayfield and Washburn.
AB415-SSA1,120,77 (c) That part of the city of Ashland located in the county.
AB415-SSA1,120,9 8(3) Douglas County. That part of Douglas County consisting of all of the
AB415-SSA1,120,1110 (a) The towns of Amnicon, Brule, Cloverland, Hawthorne, Lakeside, Maple,
11Parkland, and Superior.
AB415-SSA1,120,1212 (b) The villages of Lake Nebagamon, Oliver, Poplar, and Superior.
AB415-SSA1,120,1313 (c) The city of Superior.
AB415-SSA1,120,15 144.74 Seventy-fourth assembly district. All of the following territory
15constitutes the 74th assembly district:
AB415-SSA1,120,16 16(1) Whole counties. Iron, Sawyer, and Washburn.
AB415-SSA1,120,18 17(2) Ashland County. That part of Ashland County consisting of all of the
AB415-SSA1,120,2019 (a) The towns of Agenda, Ashland, Chippewa, Gordon, Jacobs, Marengo,
20Morse, Peeksville, Shanagolden, and White River.
AB415-SSA1,120,2121 (b) The village of Butternut.
AB415-SSA1,120,2222 (c) The city of Mellen.
AB415-SSA1,120,24 23(3) Bayfield County. That part of Bayfield County consisting of all of the
1(a) The towns of Barnes, Cable, Delta, Drummond, Grandview, Kelly, Lincoln,
2Mason, and Namakagon.