ar37(2) (2) All other documents presented to the assembly shall be delivered to the chief clerk who shall, if directed to do so by the speaker, state the subject matter of each document, the name of the member by whom it was delivered, and the name of the communicating person or organization. The speaker may refer the documents to a committee for disposition. All communications among the documents may be reproduced in the journal when so directed by the speaker or by order of the assembly.
[(2) am. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
ar38 Assembly Rule 38. Assembly publications and copying. All assembly publications and copying shall conform to legislative rules or be as determined by the committee on assembly organization or the joint committee on legislative organization.
[am. 1995 A.Res. 2]
Chapter 5:
of proposals
ar39 Assembly Rule 39. Introduction and offering of proposals.
ar39(1)(1) Except as otherwise provided in joint rule 83 (2) and this subsection, any member or standing committee may introduce or offer proposals in the assembly on any day of the biennial legislative session. No member or standing committee may offer any assembly joint resolution or resolution memorializing Congress or any branch or officer of the federal government.
ar39(2) (2) Any proposal introduced or offered shall have been prepared by the legislative reference bureau and shall conform to the legislative rules and laws governing form.
ar39(3) (3) A proposal may not be received for introduction or be offered if changes have been made to the draft prepared by the legislative reference bureau.
ar39(4) (4)
ar39(4)(a)(a) Proposals shall be submitted to the office of the chief clerk for introduction or to be offered.
ar39(4)(b) (b) The chief clerk shall prepare a report containing the number, relating clause, and authors of each proposal to be introduced or offered. The report shall be presented to the speaker for referral under rule 42.
ar39(4)(c) (c) The speaker shall refer a properly jacketed proposal within 10 working days after the office of the chief clerk receives the proposal for introduction or to be offered or on the final legislative day of the last general-business floorperiod preceding the veto review session, whichever is earlier. The chief clerk shall publish the referral in the first journal published after the referral is made.
[(3) and (4)(a) and (b) am.; (4)(c) cr. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(4)(c) am. 1995 A.Res. 14]
[am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
[(1) am. 2003 A.Res. 3]
[(4)(c) am. 2007 A.Res. 4]
ar40 Assembly Rule 40. Readings of bills.
ar40(1)(1) Every assembly bill, and every senate bill received by the assembly for consideration, shall receive a reading on each of 3 separate and nonconsecutive legislative days under the appropriate order of business designated in rule 31.
ar40(2) (2) Unless otherwise ordered, each reading shall consist of reading the relating clause in the bill's title or on first reading be as provided in rule 42 (2) or (3).
ar41 Assembly Rule 41. Readings of resolutions.
ar41(1)(1) Except as further provided in subs. (2) and (3) and except as otherwise provided in this subsection, any assembly joint resolution or resolution, and any senate joint resolution received by the assembly for consideration, shall receive a reading on each of 2 separate and nonconsecutive legislative days under the appropriate order of business designated in rule 31. Unless otherwise ordered, each reading shall consist of reading the relating clause in the resolution's title or on first reading be as provided in rule 42 (2) or (3). This subsection does not apply to any senate joint resolution that the assembly is prohibited from considering under rule 32 (1) (a).
ar41(2) (2) Any joint resolution proposing a change in the constitution of this state or the ratification of an amendment to the constitution of the United States shall be given 3 separate readings as provided for bills in rule 40.
ar41(3) (3) Any privileged resolution or joint resolution shall be treated as provided in rules 33 and 43.
[(1) am. 2003 A.Res. 3]
ar42 Assembly Rule 42. First reading and reference of proposals.
ar42(1)(1) Upon the introduction or offering of any proposal in the assembly, or the initial receipt of a senate proposal for consideration in the assembly, the proposal shall be read for the first time.
ar42(1)(a) (a) Any proposal that requires 2 or more readings shall be referred by the presiding officer or speaker to committee, or to the calendar for the 2nd legislative day following the referral, or to the committee on rules.
ar42(1)(ad) (ad) All bills introduced in the assembly which by any statute require reference to a particular committee shall be so referred upon first reading and all senate bills when received from the senate shall be so referred upon first reading except where the senate record on the bill discloses that the statutory requirement has been satisfied by reference to the committee in the senate.
ar42(1)(am) (am) Notwithstanding par. (ad), the speaker or presiding officer may refer any bill that pertains only incidentally to a matter of concern to a joint survey committee directly to the committee appropriate to the major substance of the bill, and in that case shall direct the appropriate joint survey committee to prepare its report on the bill while that bill is in the possession of the other committee. This rule does not suspend the requirement that the report of the appropriate joint survey committee must be received before the bill is given its 2nd reading.
ar42(1)(b) (b) The presiding officer or speaker may refer any bill that requires referral to more than one joint survey committee simultaneously to several or all of the joint survey committees. The presiding officer or speaker may refer any bill that requires referral to one or more joint survey committees simultaneously to several or all of the joint survey committees and to an assembly committee.
ar42(1)(c) (c) The presiding officer or speaker may refer any bill simultaneously to the joint committee on finance and to the appropriate joint survey committees.