(4) At least ninety (90) calendar days prior to the new party state implementation date, party states shall notify any active single state licensee with an address in the new party state that the licensee may only hold one multistate license in the primary state of residence. The licensee shall be advised to obtain or maintain a multistate license only from the primary state of residence.
(5) Each party state shall deactivate a multistate license when a new home state issues a multistate license.
History: Adopted December 12, 2017; effective January 19, 2018, amended August 15, 2023, effective January 2, 2024.
(1) On all application forms for multistate licensure, a party state shall require, at a minimum:
(a) A declaration of a primary state of residence and
(b) Whether the applicant is a current participant in an alternative program.
(2) (a) An applicant for licensure who is determined to be ineligible for a multistate license shall be notified by the home state of the qualifications not met.
(b) The home state may issue a single state license pursuant to its laws.
(3) A remote party state shall not issue a single state license to a nurse who holds a multistate license.
History: Adopted December 12, 2017; effective January 19, 2018, amended August 15, 2023, effective January 2, 2024.
(1) On all application forms for multistate licensure in a party state, an applicant shall declare a primary state of residence.
(2) A multistate licensee who changes primary state of residence to another party state shall apply for a multistate license in the new party state within 60 days.
(3) A party state may require an applicant to provide evidence of residence in the declared primary state of residence. This evidence may include, but is not limited to, a current:
(a) driver’s license with a home address;
(b) voter registration card with a home address;
(c) federal income tax return with a primary state of residence declaration;
(d) military form no. 2058 (state of legal residence certificate); or
(e) W2 form from the United States government or any bureau, division, or agency thereof, indicating residence.
(4) A nurse shall not apply for a single state license in a remote state while the nurse holds a multistate license in their primary state of residence.
(5) An applicant who is a citizen of a foreign country, and who is lawfully present in the United States and is applying for multistate licensure in a party state may declare either the applicant’s country of origin or the party state where they are living as the primary state of residence. If the applicant declares the foreign country as the primary state of residence, the party state shall not issue a multistate license, but may issue a single state license if the applicant meets the party state’s licensure requirements.
(6) An applicant shall disclose current participation in an alternative program to any party state, whether upon initial application or within ten (10) calendar days of enrollment in the program.
History: Adopted December 12, 2017; effective January 19, 2018, amended August 15, 2023, effective January 2, 2024.
(1) A nurse who changes his or her primary state of residence from one party state to another party state may continue to practice under the existing multistate license while the nurse’s application is processed and a multistate license is issued in the new primary state of residence.
(2) Upon issuance of a new multistate license, the former primary state of residence shall deactivate its multistate license held by the nurse and provide notice to the nurse.
(3) If a party state verifies that a licensee who holds a multistate license changes primary state of residence to a non-party state, the party state shall convert the multistate license to a single state license within fifteen (15) calendar days, and report this conversion to the Coordinated Licensure Information System.