SJR20,5,9 7Daniel Bell—a 22-year-old Black Milwaukee man who was shot and killed by
8Milwaukee police following a traffic stop in 1958. Milwaukee police planted a knife
9on Bell's body at the scene and attempted to cover up the shooting for decades;
SJR20,5,14 10Ernest Lacy—a 22-year-old Black Milwaukee man who was arrested in 1981
11in a case of mistaken identity, who died in police custody after having a knee placed
12on his back by officers. This led to one of the few times Wisconsin legislators worked
13on bipartisan police reform legislation (Lacy's Law) to require that police seek
14medical help for anyone in their custody; and
SJR20,5,2015 Whereas, while acknowledging the work of these leaders, it is equally critical
16to appreciate, both past and present, the long list of contributions of our fellow
17citizens; Black History Month gives Wisconsinites an occasion to recognize the
18significant influence people of African heritage have made, and continue to make, in
19the areas of medicine, art, politics, human rights, education, sports, and economic
20development; now, therefore, be it
SJR20,5,24 21Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the Wisconsin
22Legislature recognizes February 2021 as Black History Month, extends appreciation
23to the above-named persons for their contributions to the state of Wisconsin, the
24country, and their fellow citizens, and honors past and current black legislators.
SJR20,5,2525 (End)