Dental auxiliary: certification of expanded functions; emergency rule provisions -
Act 254Dentist working in rural areas: loan assistance program eligibility [Sec. 176, 177, 9347 (1)] -
Act 58Dentists authorized to administer flu and COVID-19 vaccines -
Act 8Dentists authorized to administer flu and COVID-19 vaccines [vetoed] -
AB1Health care providers licensed in another state: DSPS may grant temporary credentials under certain conditions [vetoed] -
AB1dhsDHS, see health services department of -- specific subheading
Anatomical gift or related services: discrimination based on individual’s disability prohibited -
Act 113Discrimination by governmental entity against person’s COVID-19 vaccination status prohibited [vetoed] -
AB316Race and sex stereotyping in training provided to state and local government employees prohibited; penalties and civil action provisions [vetoed] -
AB414Race and sex stereotyping instruction to pupils in and training to employees of school districts and charter schools prohibited; violation penalty and posting curricula to Internet site provisions [vetoed] -
AB411Race and sex stereotyping: instructors at UW System institutions and TCS technical colleges cannot compel students to adhere to certain tenants; student orientation, academic freedom, employee training, violations, and civil action provisions [vetoed] -
SB409Natural COVID-19 immunity in lieu of vaccination or testing as condition of continued employment: employer required to accept; documentation and discrimination provisions [vetoed] -
AB675Use of force by law enforcement: standards established, duty to report noncompliant use of force, duty to intervene, and whistleblower protections -
Act 75Alzheimer's family and caregiver support allocation increased [Sec. 190] -
Act 58Amusement or theme parks and organizations promoting tourism: grants from certain federal moneys for recovery from COVID-19 pandemic [vetoed] -
AB234At-home COVID-19 testing program: DHS may operate, expires September 30, 2021 [vetoed] -
AB1Bodily substance thrown or expelled at a public safety officer or prosecutor: court to require testing of criminal defendant for communicable diseases, probable cause provision -
Act 54