Death of inmate diagnosed with COVID-19: limited examination by coroner or medical examiner permitted [vetoed] - AB1
Persons who die of COVID-19: 2019 WisAct 185 cremation permits and electronic signature of death certificates provisions modified [vetoed] - AB1
Veteran outreach for suicide prevention and awareness to traditionally underserved populations [Sec. 182] - Act 58
death benefitDeath benefit
WC law changes re liability for public safety officers, payments in cases of injuries resulting in death, furnishing of billing statements, leased employees, and statute of limitations - Act 29
debt publicDebt, Public, see also specific agency or department
Authorized state building program for 2021-23; transfer to the state building trust fund [ Sec. 1-4, 6, 7, 94-96, 101, 102, 108-110, 112-115, 117-130, 9104 (1)-(14)] [94, 9104 (1), (13) -- partial veto; 4, 118, 127 -- vetoed] - Act 58
Capital improvement fund: transfer from certain conservation aids appropriations [Sec. 18m, 54m, n] - Act 58
Retiring public debt and transportation revenue bonds: using certain federal moneys for; Authorized State Building Program provision [vetoed] - AB241
defined network plansDefined network plans, see Medical practice, Group
delinquent taxesDelinquent taxes, see Property tax
Dental auxiliary: certification of expanded functions; emergency rule provisions - Act 254
Dentist working in rural areas: loan assistance program eligibility [Sec. 176, 177, 9347 (1)] - Act 58
Dentists authorized to administer flu and COVID-19 vaccines - Act 8
Dentists authorized to administer flu and COVID-19 vaccines [vetoed] - AB1
Health care providers licensed in another state: DSPS may grant temporary credentials under certain conditions [vetoed] - AB1
dentistry examining boardDentistry Examining Board, see Dentistry
dependent childrenDependent children, see Family
detfDETF, see Employee Trust Funds, Department of
dfiDFI, see Financial Institutions, Department of
dhaDHA, see Hearings and Appeals, Division of
dhhsDHHS, see United States — Health and Human Services, Department of
dhsDHS, see health services department of -- specific subheading
director of state courtsDirector of State Courts, see State Courts, Director of
Anatomical gift or related services: discrimination based on individual’s disability prohibited - Act 113
Discrimination by governmental entity against person’s COVID-19 vaccination status prohibited [vetoed] - AB316