SB45,737,63(c) Limitations. 1. A claimant may claim the credit under par. (b) 1., if the 4tangible personal property is purchased after December 31, 2025, and the personal 5property is used exclusively in the claimant’s business as a film production 6company. SB45,737,1172. A claimant may claim the credit under par. (b) 2. for an amount expended to 8construct, rehabilitate, remodel, or repair real property, if the claimant began the 9physical work of construction, rehabilitation, remodeling, or repair, or any 10demolition or destruction in preparation for the physical work, after December 31, 112025, or if the completed project is placed in service after December 31, 2025. SB45,737,15123. A claimant may claim the credit under par. (b) 2. for an amount expended to 13acquire real property, if the property is not previously owned property and if the 14claimant acquires the property after December 31, 2025, or if the completed project 15is placed in service after December 31, 2025. SB45,737,19164. No claim may be allowed under this subsection unless the department of 17tourism certifies, in writing, that the credits claimed under this subsection are for 18expenses related to establishing a film production company in this state and the 19claimant submits a copy of the certification with the claimant’s return. SB45,738,4205. Partnerships, limited liability companies, and tax-option corporations may 21not claim the credit under this subsection, but the eligibility for, and the amount of, 22the credit are based on their payment of amounts under par. (b). A partnership, 23limited liability company, or tax-option corporation shall compute the amount of
1credit that each of its partners, members, or shareholders may claim and shall 2provide that information to each of them. Partners, members of limited liability 3companies, and shareholders of tax-option corporations may claim the credit in 4proportion to their ownership interests. SB45,738,65(d) Administration. 1. Section 71.28 (4) (e) to (h), as it applies to the credit 6under s. 71.28 (4), applies to the credits under this subsection. SB45,738,1572. Any person, including a nonprofit entity described in section 501 (c) (3) of 8the Internal Revenue Code, may sell or otherwise transfer a credit under this 9subsection, in whole or in part, to another person who is subject to the taxes 10imposed under s. 71.02, 71.23, or 71.43, if the person notifies the department of the 11transfer, and submits with the notification a copy of the transfer documents, and 12the department certifies ownership of the credit. The transferee may first use the 13credit to offset tax of the transferor in the taxable year in which the transfer occurs 14and may use the credit only to offset tax in taxable years in which the credit is 15otherwise allowed to be claimed and carried forward by the original claimant. SB45,139016Section 1390. 71.47 (6) (a) 1m. of the statutes is repealed. SB45,139117Section 1391. 71.47 (6) (a) 2m. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,739,21871.47 (6) (a) 2m. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2013, and 19before January 1, 2026, any person may claim as a credit against taxes otherwise 20due under s. 71.43, up to the amount of those taxes, an amount equal to 20 percent 21of the costs of qualified rehabilitation expenditures, as defined in section 47 (c) (2) of 22the Internal Revenue Code, for certified historic structures on property located in 23this state, if the cost of the person’s qualified rehabilitation expenditures is at least
1$50,000 and the rehabilitated property is placed in service after December 31, 22013. SB45,13923Section 1392. 71.47 (6) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,739,17471.47 (6) (a) 3. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2013, and 5before January 1, 2026, any person may claim as a credit against taxes otherwise 6due under s. 71.43, up to the amount of those taxes, an amount equal to 20 percent 7of the costs of qualified rehabilitation expenditures, as defined in section 47 (c) (2) of 8the Internal Revenue Code, for qualified rehabilitated buildings, as defined in 9section 47 (c) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code, on property located in this state, if 10the cost of the person’s qualified rehabilitation expenditures is at least $50,000 and 11the rehabilitated property is placed in service after December 31, 2013, and 12regardless of whether the rehabilitated property is used for multiple or revenue-13providing purposes. No credit may be claimed under this subdivision for property 14listed as a contributing building in the state register of historic places or in the 15national register of historic places and no credit may be claimed under this 16subdivision for nonhistoric, nonresidential property converted into housing if the 17property has been previously used for housing. SB45,139318Section 1393. 71.47 (6) (a) 4. of the statutes is created to read: SB45,739,241971.47 (6) (a) 4. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2025, any 20person may claim as a credit against taxes otherwise due under s. 71.43, up to the 21amount of those taxes, an amount equal to 20 percent of the costs of qualified 22rehabilitation expenditures, as defined in section 47 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue 23Code, for property located in this state, if the rehabilitated property is placed in 24service after December 31, 2025. SB45,1394
1Section 1394. 71.47 (6) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,740,6271.47 (6) (c) (intro.) No person may claim the credit under par. (a) 2m. or 4. 3unless the claimant includes with the claimant’s return a copy of the claimant’s 4certification under s. 238.17. For certification purposes under s. 238.17, the 5claimant shall provide to the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation all of 6the following: SB45,13957Section 1395. 71.47 (6) (cn) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,740,10871.47 (6) (cn) (intro.) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2014, 9and before January 1, 2026, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation 10shall certify a person to claim a credit under par. (a) 3. if all of the following apply: SB45,139611Section 1396. 71.47 (6) (f) of the statutes is renumbered 71.47 (6) (f) 1. and 12amended to read: SB45,741,131371.47 (6) (f) 1. A partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option 14corporation may not claim the credit under this subsection par. (a) 2m. and 3. The 15partners of a partnership, members of a limited liability company, or shareholders 16in a tax-option corporation may claim the credit under this subsection par. (a) 2m. 17and 3. based on eligible costs incurred by the partnership, limited liability company, 18or tax-option corporation. The partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option 19corporation shall calculate the amount of the credit which may be claimed by each 20partner, member, or shareholder and shall provide that information to the partner, 21member, or shareholder. For shareholders of a tax-option corporation, the credit 22may be allocated in proportion to the ownership interest of each shareholder. 23Credits computed by a partnership or limited liability company may be claimed in 24proportion to the ownership interests of the partners or members or allocated to
1partners or members as provided in a written agreement among the partners or 2members that is entered into no later than the last day of the taxable year of the 3partnership or limited liability company, for which the credit is claimed. For a 4partnership or limited liability company that places property in service after June 529, 2008, and before January 1, 2009, the credit attributable to such property may 6be allocated, at the election of the partnership or limited liability company, to 7partners or members for a taxable year of the partnership or limited liability 8company that ends after June 29, 2008, and before January 1, 2010. Any partner or 9member who claims the credit as provided under this paragraph shall attach a copy 10of the agreement, if applicable, to the tax return on which the credit is claimed. A 11person claiming the credit as provided under this paragraph is solely responsible 12for any tax liability arising from a dispute with the department of revenue related 13to claiming the credit. SB45,139714Section 1397. 71.47 (6) (f) 2. of the statutes is created to read: SB45,741,181571.47 (6) (f) 2. a. A partnership, limited liability company, or tax-option 16corporation may make an election under s. 71.21 (6) (a) or 71.365 (4m) (a) to claim 17the credit under par. (a) 4. against the net income or franchise tax otherwise 18payable to this state on income of the same year. SB45,741,2019b. A partnership’s partners, limited liability company’s members, and tax-20option corporation’s shareholders may not claim the credit under par. (a) 4. SB45,139821Section 1398. 71.47 (6) (g) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,742,22271.47 (6) (g) 1. If Except as provided in subd. 1m., if a person who claims the 23credit under this subsection elects to claim the credit based on claiming amounts for 24expenditures as the expenditures are paid, rather than when the rehabilitation
1work is completed, the person shall file an election form with the department, in the 2manner prescribed by the department. SB45,13993Section 1399. 71.47 (6) (g) 1m. of the statutes is created to read: SB45,742,6471.47 (6) (g) 1m. No person may claim the credit under par. (a) 4. unless the 5person claims the credit for the taxable year in which the rehabilitation work is 6completed. SB45,14007Section 1400. 71.47 (6) (h) of the statutes is amended to read: SB45,742,19871.47 (6) (h) Any person, including a nonprofit entity described in section 501 9(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, may sell or otherwise transfer the credit under 10par. (a) 2m. or, 3., or 4., in whole or in part, to another person who is subject to the 11taxes imposed under s. 71.02, 71.23, or 71.43, if the person notifies the department 12of the transfer, and submits with the notification a copy of the transfer documents, 13and the department certifies ownership of the credit with each transfer. The 14transferor may file a claim for more than one taxable year on a form prescribed by 15the department to compute all years of the credit under par. (a) 2m. or, 3., or 4., at 16the time of the transfer request. The transferee may first use the credit to offset tax 17in the taxable year of the transferor in which the transfer occurs, and may use the 18credit only to offset tax in taxable years otherwise allowed to be claimed and carried 19forward by the original claimant.