Human trafficking: commercial driver education courses must include instruction on recognizing and preventing - Act 27
drugsDrugs, see also Alcohol and other drug abuse; Drunken driving
Abortion-inducing drug regimen: informed consent requirements and hospital, clinic, or other facility reporting requirement [vetoed] - AB180
Dispensing, distributing, or selling dialysate drugs, or devices necessary for providing home peritoneal kidney dialysis to patient with end-stage renal disease: exemption from pharmacist license requirement, conditions set - Act 13
Methadone may be used in DHS opioid or methamphetamine treatment programs [Sec. 750, 751] - Act 9
Opioid antagonist administration and medication-assisted treatment: county jails may enter into a written agreement to provide and civil liability immunity; DHS to study medication-assisted treatment in prisons and jails, report required - Act 119
Pharmacists authorized to extend a prescription order during the 2020 public health emergency under certain conditions [Sec. 87, 88] - Act 185
Prescription drug limits: health insurance policy or pharmacy benefit manager prohibited from imposing during the 2020 public health emergency, exception for controlled substances [Sec. 90, 97] - Act 185
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: certain sunsets extended - Act 121
Step therapy protocols for prescription drug coverage established - Act 12
drugs _ criminal acts and law enforcementDrugs — Criminal acts and law enforcement
Industrial hemp laws revised; ``hemp” replaces ``industrial hemp;” DATCP and DOJ duties; THC provisions - Act 68
Methadone may be used in DHS opioid or methamphetamine treatment programs [Sec. 750, 751] - Act 9
drunken drivingDrunken driving
Homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle: mandatory period of confinement - Act 31
Lifetime revocation of motor vehicle operating privilege for certain OWI-related offenses: technical changes - Act 107
OWI penalties for fifth and sixth offense: bifurcated sentence provision - Act 106
dspsDSPS, see Safety and Professional Services, Department of
dvaDVA, see Veterans Affairs, Department of
dwdDWD, see Workforce Development, Department of
dwelling or dwelling codeDwelling or dwelling code, see Housing
e_cigaretteE-cigarette, see Cigarette
ebt _electronic benefit transfer_EBT (Electronic benefit transfer), see Food stamp plan
ecbECB, see Educational Communications Board
economic assistanceEconomic assistance, see Road — Finance
economic developmentEconomic development, see Industrial development
economic development corporation, wisconsinEconomic Development Corporation, Wisconsin
Fabrication laboratory grant program [Sec. 9149 (1g)] [vetoed] - Act 9