Human trafficking: commercial driver education courses must include instruction on recognizing and preventing -
Act 27Abortion-inducing drug regimen: informed consent requirements and hospital, clinic, or other facility reporting requirement [vetoed] -
AB180Dispensing, distributing, or selling dialysate drugs, or devices necessary for providing home peritoneal kidney dialysis to patient with end-stage renal disease: exemption from pharmacist license requirement, conditions set -
Act 13Methadone may be used in DHS opioid or methamphetamine treatment programs [Sec. 750, 751] -
Act 9Opioid antagonist administration and medication-assisted treatment: county jails may enter into a written agreement to provide and civil liability immunity; DHS to study medication-assisted treatment in prisons and jails, report required -
Act 119Pharmacists authorized to extend a prescription order during the 2020 public health emergency under certain conditions [Sec. 87, 88] -
Act 185Prescription drug limits: health insurance policy or pharmacy benefit manager prohibited from imposing during the 2020 public health emergency, exception for controlled substances [Sec. 90, 97] -
Act 185Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: certain sunsets extended -
Act 121Step therapy protocols for prescription drug coverage established -
Act 12Industrial hemp laws revised; ``hemp” replaces ``industrial hemp;” DATCP and DOJ duties; THC provisions -
Act 68Methadone may be used in DHS opioid or methamphetamine treatment programs [Sec. 750, 751] -
Act 9Homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle: mandatory period of confinement -
Act 31Lifetime revocation of motor vehicle operating privilege for certain OWI-related offenses: technical changes -
Act 107OWI penalties for fifth and sixth offense: bifurcated sentence provision -
Act 106Fabrication laboratory grant program [Sec. 9149 (1g)] [vetoed] -
Act 9