ar31(8) (8) Eighth order. Third reading of assembly proposals.
ar31(9) (9) Ninth order. Third reading of senate proposals.
ar31(10) (10) Tenth order. Second reading and amendment of assembly proposals.
ar31(11) (11) Eleventh order. Second reading and amendment of senate proposals.
ar31(12) (12) Twelfth order. Motions may be offered.
ar31(13) (13) Thirteenth order. Consideration of resolutions.
ar31(14) (14) Fourteenth order. Announcements.
ar31(15) (15) Fifteenth order. Adjournment.
[(7) am. 1995 A.Res. 2]
[(8) to (13) 1997 A.Res. 2]
[(7) am. 2003 A.Res. 3]
[(8) to (13) 2019 A.Res. 12]
ar32 Assembly Rule 32. Variations in the regular order; special orders. The regular order of business may be interrupted or changed under the following conditions:
ar32(1) (1) At the discretion of the presiding officer, at any time during the session except while the assembly is voting, but only under the following conditions:
ar32(1)(a) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, messages from the senate or from the governor may be received and read, and any proposal referenced in the messages that is a senate proposal initially received for consideration of the assembly shall be referred and any other proposals referenced in the messages shall be taken up immediately unless referred by the presiding officer to a standing committee or to the calendar. Any messages from the senate referring to a senate joint resolution memorializing Congress or any branch or officer of the federal government that is received for consideration of the assembly may be read but the senate joint resolution may not be received for consideration. The senate joint resolution shall be transmitted to the senate immediately after the message is read;
ar32(1)(b) (b) Proposals may be introduced, or offered, and referred when a report, showing the number and relating clause of the proposals introduced or offered and the speaker's referral of each such proposal, has been provided to the members; or
ar32(1)(c) (c) Proposals reported by one committee may be given subsequent reference to another committee or may be referred to the calendar when a report, showing the number and relating clause of such proposals and the speaker's subsequent referral of each such proposal, is provided to the members.
ar32(2) (2) When the assembly is scheduled to meet in joint convention with the senate, the presiding officer may interrupt business to await the arrival of the senate. When the senate arrives, the assembly sergeant at arms shall announce the arrival to the presiding officer. The president of the senate or, in the president's absence, the speaker of the assembly shall preside over any joint convention. The assembly chief clerk shall act as the chief clerk of the joint convention.
ar32(3) (3) Whenever any proposal has been made a special order of business, the assembly shall proceed to the special order at the designated time or a later time, as determined by the presiding officer.
ar32(3)(a) (a) Special orders have precedence over the regular orders of business and shall be considered in any order, as determined by the presiding officer.
ar32(3)(b) (b) The priority and sequence of special orders are not lost either by adjournment or by recess.
ar32(3)(c) (c) Whenever one special order is under consideration, the arrival of the scheduled time for another special order does not interrupt the discussion of the special order under consideration.
ar32(3m) (3m) Any resolution that would otherwise be considered under the 13th order of business may, by motion, be taken up at any time. Any such motion is nondebatable.
ar32(4) (4) Whenever the regular order is interrupted for any purpose it shall be resumed at the point of interruption or as provided in rule 29 (4).
[(1)(a) am. 1997 A.Res. 2]
[(1)(intro.), (b) and (c) am. 1999 A.Res. 3]
[(1)(b) am. 2001 A.Res. 3]
[(1)(a) am. 2003 A.Res. 3]
[(3)(intro.) and (a) am. 2007 A.Res. 4]
[(3m) cr. 2019 A.Res. 12]
ar33 Assembly Rule 33. Resolutions for special orders of business. At any time after a proposal is placed on a calendar or referred to or introduced or offered by the committee on rules, that committee may offer a resolution making the proposal a special order of business at a time and on a date specified in the resolution. A single resolution may make several proposals special orders of business.
ar33(1) (1) Any such resolution may limit the time for debate on the proposal or proposals involved.
ar33(1)(a) (a) The majority leader and the minority leader or their designees, respectively, shall serve as floor managers for the proponents and for the opponents of each such proposal.
ar33(1)(b) (b) Within the time limits established by the resolution, the floor managers shall allocate debate time among the members of their respective sides. The floor managers shall inform the presiding officer of the names of members to be recognized in debate.
ar33(2) (2) A resolution offered by the committee on rules to make a proposal a special order of business is not amendable.
ar33(3) (3) Any resolution offered by the committee on rules to make a proposal a special order is privileged and may be received under any order of business. Such a resolution shall be taken up and acted upon immediately, ahead of all other proposals. The question before the assembly is adoption of the resolution. The only motion in order with regard to any such resolution is the motion to reject. Debate on the questions of adoption and rejection is limited to 5 minutes each.
ar33(4) (4) Any special order created by adoption of a resolution under this rule shall be taken up at the time indicated in the resolution or 12 hours following its adoption, whichever is later. Any motion to reconsider an action on the special order shall be taken up immediately unless a different time is set by vote of a majority of the members present and voting for a specific motion to reconsider. The motion to advance the proposal to its 3rd reading and the motion to message the proposal to the other house may be adopted by a majority of the members present and voting.