NR 182.110(2)(a)1.e.e. Placement of the drainage layer or cover soil above the geosynthetic liner.
NR 182.110(2)(a)2.2. The registered professional engineer or qualified technician described in subd. 1. shall also be on-site to inspect the following activities after their completion:
NR 182.110(2)(a)2.a.a. Temporary and permanent erosion control measures such as ditches, fencing, and sedimentation basins.
NR 182.110(2)(a)2.b.b. Sub-base and leachate collection line undercut excavation and grading.
NR 182.110(2)(a)2.c.c. Clay liner surface preparation and grading, leachate, lysimeter, and gas piping prior to being covered with soil.
NR 182.110(2)(a)2.d.d. Piping with tanks, manholes, or vaults and installation of instrumentation and controls.
NR 182.110(2)(a)3.3. The department may require by written approval that a registered professional engineer be present during other critical construction activities.
NR 182.110(2)(b)(b) With respect to registered professional engineers or qualified technicians employed to meet the requirements of par. (a), substitution of personnel may only occur due to substandard performance, vacations, or uncontrollable circumstances such as injury, illness, employee termination, or resignation. However, if necessary in order to provide experienced personnel, geomembrane installation quality assurance may be performed by a different registered professional engineer or qualified technician directly supervised by the registered professional engineer described in par. (a). In no case, however, may the personnel performing quality assurance for geomembrane installation be an employee of the geomembrane manufacturer, fabricator, or installer. Also, when justified by the size of the construction project, multiple registered professional engineers or qualified technicians may perform quality assurance work concurrently.
NR 182.110(3)(3)Certification. The first section of any construction documentation report prepared for the construction or closure of a portion of a mining waste facility shall be a certification section that includes all of the following:
NR 182.110(3)(a)(a) A statement signed and sealed by each licensed professional engineer who either performed quality assurance work on the project or supervised qualified technicians who performed quality assurance work.
NR 182.110(3)(b)(b) A table clearly identifying all of the following:
NR 182.110(3)(b)1.1. Each licensed professional engineer and qualified technician who performed quality assurance during the construction.
NR 182.110(3)(b)2.2. Which aspects of construction each licensed professional engineer and qualified technician provided on site quality assurance for.
NR 182.110(3)(b)3.3. The number of days each licensed professional engineer and qualified technician was present at the facility performing quality assurance work.
NR 182.110(3)(b)4.4. The total hours each licensed professional engineer and qualified technician spent at the site performing quality assurance work.
NR 182.110(3)(b)5.5. The licensed professional engineer who supervised each qualified technician that performed quality assurance during the construction.
NR 182.110(3)(c)(c) A second table identifying who prepared each portion of the construction documentation report including both narrative and plan sheets.
NR 182.110(3)(d)(d) Separate signed statements by the licensed professional engineers identified in sub. (2) certifying to the best of their knowledge, information, and belief that the construction of each item identified in the following subdivisions was accomplished in conformance with the approved plans and applicable rules. All observed deviations shall be explicitly noted and discussed including any changes in materials. This certification may not be construed to be either an implied or express guarantee or warranty regarding the performance of the construction documented in this report. No further qualifications to the certification statement may be made and each statement shall also clearly identify the personal observations, knowledge or other information on which the certification is based. The certification section shall include a signed statement for all of the following:
NR 182.110(3)(d)1.1. The clay component of a liner or cap. The statement shall specifically address:
NR 182.110(3)(d)1.a.a. The quality of clay material used, and the methods utilized in its placement.
NR 182.110(3)(d)1.b.b. The connections with previously placed clay layers.
NR 182.110(3)(d)1.c.c. The preparation of leachate collection trenches, sumps, and any pipe penetrations through the clay component.
NR 182.110(3)(d)1.d.d. The preparation of the upper portions of the clay component or soil barrier layer component of a composite–lined or composite–capped facility for installation of the geomembrane or GCL, including smoothness of the surface, removal of rocks and other foreign objects, and repair of the clay or soil barrier layer surface due to rain, rutting, or other damage.
NR 182.110(3)(d)1.e.e. The placement of soil or other materials placed over a composite liner or composite cap.
NR 182.110(3)(d)2.2. The geomembranes, grids, fabrics, nets, and appurtenances. The statement shall specifically address:
NR 182.110(3)(d)2.a.a. The connections with all previously placed geosynthetics.
NR 182.110(3)(d)2.b.b. The placement of geomembrane in collection trenches, sideslope riser sump areas and other irregularly shaped areas.
NR 182.110(3)(d)2.c.c. The connections of geomembrane around leachate transfer pipes and any other penetration of the composite liner or composite cap.
NR 182.110(3)(d)2.d.d. The removal of geomembrane wrinkles which were higher than they were wide.