AB1038,62,116 (1) Enhanced federal medical assistance percentage. If the federal
7government provides an enhanced federal medical assistance percentage during an
8emergency period declared in response to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the
9department of health services may do any of the following during the period to which
10the enhanced federal medical assistance percentage applies in order to satisfy
11criteria to qualify for the enhanced federal medical assistance percentage:
AB1038,62,1312 (a) Suspend the requirement to comply with the premium requirements under
13s. 49.45 (23b) (b) 2. and (c).
AB1038,62,1514 (b) Suspend the requirement to comply with the health risk assessment
15requirement under s. 49.45 (23b) (b) 3.
AB1038,62,2116 (c) Delay implementation of the community engagement requirement under s.
1749.45 (23b) (b) 1. until the date that is 30 days after either the day the federal
18government has approved the community engagement implementation plan or the
19last day of the calendar quarter in which the last day of the emergency period under
2042 USC 1320b-5 (g) (1) that is declared due to the novel coronavirus pandemic
21occurs, whichever is later.
AB1038,62,2522 (d) Notwithstanding any requirement under subch. IV of ch. 49 to disenroll an
23individual to the contrary, maintain continuous enrollment in compliance with
24section 6008 (b) (3) of the federal Families First Coronavirus Response Act, P.L.
1(2) Liability insurance for physicians and nurse anesthetists. During the
2public health emergency declared on March 12, 2020, by executive order 72, all of the
3following apply to a physician or nurse anesthetist for whom this state is not a
4principal place of practice but who is authorized to practice in this state on a
5temporary basis:
AB1038,63,96 (a) The physician or nurse anesthetist may fulfill the requirements of s. 655.23
7(3) (a) by filing with the commissioner of insurance a certificate of insurance for a
8policy of health care liability insurance issued by an insurer that is authorized in a
9jurisdiction accredited by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
AB1038,63,1110 (b) The physician or nurse anesthetist may elect, in the manner designated by
11the commissioner of insurance by rule under s. 655.004, to be subject to ch. 655.
AB1038,63,1212 (3) Virtual instruction; reports and guidance.
AB1038,63,1313 (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
AB1038,63,14 141. “Department” means the department of public instruction.
AB1038,63,16 152. “Public health emergency” means the period during the 2019-20 school year
16when schools are closed by the department of health services under s. 252.02 (3).
AB1038,63,19 173. “Virtual instruction” means instruction provided through means of the
18Internet if the pupils participating in and instructional staff providing the
19instruction are geographically remote from each other.
AB1038,63,2120 (b) School board reports. By November 1, 2020, each school board shall report
21to the department all of the following:
AB1038,63,24 221. Whether or not virtual instruction was implemented in the school district
23during the public health emergency and, if implemented, in which grades it was
12. If virtual instruction was implemented in the school district during the
2public health emergency, the process for implementing the virtual instruction.
AB1038,64,5 33. For each grade level, the average percentage of the 2019-20 school year
4curriculum provided to pupils, including curriculum provided in-person and
AB1038,64,8 64. Whether anything was provided to pupils during the 2020 summer to help
7pupils learn content that pupils missed because of the public health emergency and,
8if so, what was provided to pupils.
AB1038,64,10 95. Recommendations for best practices for transitioning to and providing
10virtual instruction when schools are closed.
AB1038,64,12 116. Any challenges or barriers the school board faced related to implementing
12virtual instruction during the public health emergency.
AB1038,64,14 137. By position type, the number of staff members who were laid off during the
14public health emergency.
AB1038,64,16 158. The number of lunches the school board provided during the public health
AB1038,64,18 179. The total amount by which the school board reduced expenditures during,
18or because of, the public health emergency in each of the following categories:
AB1038,64,19 19a. Utilities.
AB1038,64,20 20b. Transportation.
AB1038,64,21 21c. Food service.
AB1038,64,23 22d. Personnel. This category includes expenditure reductions that result from
AB1038,64,24 24e. Contract terminations.
1(c) Report to the legislature. By January 1, 2021, the department shall compile
2and submit the information it received under par. (b ) to the appropriate standing
3committees of the legislature in the manner provided under s. 13.172 (3).