SB70-SSA2-SA3,153 9Section 153. 119.23 (2) (a) 6. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,59,1410 119.23 (2) (a) 6. a. Except as provided in subd. 6. c., all of the private school's
11teachers have a teaching license issued by the department or a bachelor's degree or
12a degree or educational credential higher than a bachelor's degree, including a
13masters master's or doctorate, from a nationally or regionally accredited institution
14of higher education. This subd. 6. a. does not apply after June 30, 2026.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,154 15Section 154. 119.23 (2) (a) 6m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,59,1816 119.23 (2) (a) 6m. a. Except as provided in subd. 6m. b., beginning on July 1,
172026, all of the private school's teachers have a teaching license or permit issued by
18the department.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,60,319 b. A teacher employed by the private school on July 1, 2026, who has been
20teaching for at least the 5 consecutive years immediately preceding July 1, 2026, and
21who does not satisfy the requirements under subd. 6m. a. on July 1, 2026, may apply
22to the department on a form prepared by the department for a temporary,
23nonrenewable waiver from the requirements under subd. 6m. a. The department
24shall promulgate rules to implement this subd. 6m. b., including the form of the
25application and the process by which the waiver application will be reviewed. The

1application form shall require the applicant to submit a plan for satisfying the
2requirements under subd. 6m. a. No waiver granted under this subd. 6m. b. is valid
3after July 1, 2031.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,155 4Section 155. 119.23 (2) (c) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,60,85 119.23 (2) (c) 3. Notwithstanding par. (a) 6m., a teacher employed by a private
6school participating in the program under this section who teaches only courses in
7rabbinical studies is not required to hold a license or permit to teach issued by the
SB70-SSA2-SA3,9434 9Section 9434. Effective dates; Public Instruction.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,60,1110 (1) Teacher licensure in certain private schools. The treatment of s. 118.19
11(1), (1b), (1c) (b) (intro.), and (3) (b) takes effect on July 1, 2026.”.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,60,12 1278. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF
SB70-SSA2-SA3,156 13Section 156. 20.255 (3) (ci) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,60,1514 20.255 (3) (ci) Teacher improvement program stipends. A sum sufficient for
15payments to individuals under s. 115.41 (2).
SB70-SSA2-SA3,157 16Section 157. 20.255 (3) (cL) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,60,1817 20.255 (3) (cL) Library intern stipend payments. A sum sufficient for library
18intern stipend payments under s. 43.05 (12m).
SB70-SSA2-SA3,158 19Section 158. 20.255 (3) (cs) of the statutes is created to read:
120.255 (3) (cs) Student teacher stipends. A sum sufficient for payments to
2student teachers under s. 115.421.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,159 3Section 159. 20.255 (3) (ct) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,61,54 20.255 (3) (ct) Cooperating teacher stipends. A sum sufficient for payments to
5teachers under s. 115.424.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,160 6Section 160. 43.05 (12m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,61,117 43.05 (12m) From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (3) (cL), beginning in the
82024-25 school year, provide payments, in the amount of $2,500 per student per
9semester, to students who are pursuing a degree in library science and are placed as
10an intern in a public library. The division may promulgate rules to implement this
SB70-SSA2-SA3,161 12Section 161. 115.41 of the statutes is renumbered 115.41 (1).
SB70-SSA2-SA3,162 13Section 162. 115.41 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,61,1814 115.41 (2) From the appropriation account under s. 20.255 (3) (ci), beginning
15in the 2024-25 school year, the department shall provide payments, in the amount
16of $9,600 per individual per semester, to prospective teachers who are participating
17in the program under sub. (1). The department may promulgate rules to implement
18this subsection.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,163 19Section 163. 115.421 of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,61,25 20115.421 Student teacher stipends. From the appropriation account under
21s. 20.255 (3) (cs), beginning in the 2024-25 school year, the department shall provide
22payments, in the amount of $2,500 per individual per semester, to an individual who
23is completing student teaching as part of a teacher preparatory program approved
24by the state superintendent under s. 115.28 (7) (a). The department may promulgate
25rules to implement this section.
1Section 164. 115.424 of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,62,6 2115.424 Cooperating teacher stipends. From the appropriation account
3under s. 20.255 (3) (ct), beginning in the 2024-25 school year, the department shall
4provide payments, in the amount of $1,000 per teacher per semester, to a cooperating
5teacher who is overseeing an individual who is completing student teaching. The
6department may promulgate rules to implement this section.”.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,62,7 779. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB70-SSA2-SA3,165 8Section 165. 20.255 (3) (bm) of the statutes is created to read: