(2) (a)
A Subject to pars. (b) and (c), a credit union may purchase, hold,
12and dispose of property as necessary for or incidental to its operations.
4. 186.11 (2) (b) and (c) of the statutes are created to read:
(2) (b) Subject to guidance issued by the office of credit unions, a credit
15union may purchase, lease, hold, and convey the following types of real estate:
1. Real estate conveyed to the credit union in satisfaction of debts previously
17contracted in the course of the credit union's business.
2. Real estate purchased at sale on judgments, decrees, or mortgage
19foreclosures under securities held by the credit union, but a credit union may not bid
20at a sale a larger amount than is necessary to satisfy its debts and costs.
3. Subject to the approval of the office of credit unions, real estate acquired or
22held by the credit union for any other purpose.
(c) Real estate acquired under par. (b) may not be held for more than 5 years,
24unless an extension is granted by the office of credit unions.
5. 186.113 (15) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(15) (a) Directly or indirectly, acquire, place
, and operate, or
2participate in the acquisition, placement
, and operation of, at locations other than
3its offices, remote terminals, in accordance with rules established by the office of
4credit unions. The rules shall provide that any remote terminal shall be available
5for use, on a nondiscriminatory basis, by any state or federal credit union which has
6its principal place of business in this state, by any other credit union obtaining the
7consent of a state or federal credit union which has its principal place of business in
8this state and is using the terminal and by all members designated by a credit union
9using the terminal. This subsection does not authorize a credit union which has its
10principal place of business outside the state to conduct business as a credit union in
11this state. The remote terminals also shall be available for use, on a
12nondiscriminatory basis, by any state or national bank, state or federal savings bank
13or state or federal savings and loan association, whose home office is located in this
14state, if the bank, savings bank or savings and loan association requests to share its
15use, subject to the joint rules established under s. 221.0303 (2).
The office of credit
16unions by order may authorize the installation and operation of a remote terminal
17in a mobile facility, after notice and hearing upon the proposed service stops of the
18mobile facility.
19Section 6
. 186.113 (26) of the statutes is created to read:
(26) Supplemental capital. Issue or otherwise offer supplemental
21forms of capital in such form and with such conditions as are approved by the office
22of credit unions.
7. 186.115 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) Rules
Guidance. The activities, powers, products
, and services
25that may be undertaken, exercised
, or offered by credit unions under sub. (1) are
1limited to those specified by
rule of
guidance issued by the office of credit unions. The
2office of credit unions may direct any credit union to cease any activity, the exercise
3of any power
, or the offering of any product or service authorized by
rule this
4guidance. Among the factors that the office of credit unions may consider in so
5directing a credit union are the credit union's net worth, assets, management rating
6and liquidity ratio and its ratio of net worth to assets.
7Section 8
. 186.118 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) In addition to any activity or power authorized under ss. 186.098,
9186.11, 186.113, 186.114,
and 186.115,
and 186.235 (21), a credit union organized
10under s. 186.02 may engage in any activity or exercise any power that is listed by the
11office of credit unions under sub. (2) (a)
or, (3) (b) 1
., or (3m) (b) 1.
12Section 9
. 186.118 (3) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) (intro.) After April 18, 2014,
and before the effective date of this
14paragraph .... [LRB inserts date], if any activity or power incidental to the business
15of a credit union that is not listed under sub. (2) (a) becomes authorized for federally
16chartered credit unions, within 30 days after the activity or power becomes
17authorized the office of credit unions shall make a determination as to whether the
18activity or power should also be authorized for credit unions organized under s.
19186.02. In making this determination, the office of credit unions shall consider the
20degree to which the following apply with respect to the activity or power:
21Section 10
. 186.118 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
(3m) (a) On or after the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts
23date], if any activity or power incidental to the business of a credit union that is not
24listed under sub. (2) (a) or (3) (b) 1. becomes authorized for federally chartered credit
25unions, 30 days after the activity or power becomes authorized the activity or power
1shall also be authorized for credit unions organized under s. 186.02 unless otherwise
2noted by general order of the office of credit unions within this 30-day period. In
3making the determination whether to issue such a general order, the office of credit
4unions shall consider the degree to which the following apply with respect to the
5activity or power:
1. It is necessary, convenient, or useful for effectively carrying out the mission
7or business of a credit union.
2. It is the functional equivalent or logical outgrowth of activities or powers that
9are part of the mission or business of a credit union.
3. It involves risks similar in nature to those already assumed as part of the
11business of the credit union and it is not likely to be detrimental to the overall safety
12and soundness of the credit union.
(b) 1. The office of credit unions shall promulgate a rule adding an activity or
14power to the list of activities and powers established under subs. (2) (a) and (3) (b)
151. unless the office of credit unions has issued a general order otherwise as provided
16in par. (a).
2. The office of credit unions shall submit the proposed rule under subd. 1. to
18the legislative reference bureau in an electronic format approved by the legislative
19reference bureau, and the legislative reference bureau shall publish the proposed
20rule in the notice section of the Wisconsin administrative register under s. 35.93.
3. Sections 227.114 (4) and (6), 227.115, 227.135, 227.137, 227.14 (2) (a) 6., (2g),
22(4), and (4m), 227.15, 227.16, 227.17, 227.18, 227.185, 227.19, and 227.30 do not
23apply to the office of credit unions in promulgating a rule under subd. 1. or to any rule
24promulgated by the office of credit unions under subd. 1. Guidelines prescribed by
1executive order of the governor do not apply to the office of credit unions in
2promulgating a rule under subd. 1.
3Section 11
. 186.118 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) The office of credit unions shall publish and maintain on the
5department of financial institutions' Internet site the list of activities and powers
sub. subs. (2) (a)
, (3) (b) 1., and (3m) (b) 1.
7Section 12
. 186.118 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) If the office of credit unions promulgates a rule listing an activity
9or power as provided in sub. (2) (a)
or, (3) (b) 1.,
or (3m) (b) 1., subs. (2) (b) and (c)
and, 10(3) (b) 2. and 3.
, and (3m) (b) 2. and 3. do not apply to any subsequent rule modifying
11or eliminating the listed activity or power.