AB484,202 7Section 202 . 157.05 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,77,14 8157.05 Autopsy. Consent for a licensed physician to conduct an autopsy on
9the body of a deceased person shall be deemed sufficient when given by whichever
10one of the following assumes custody of the body for purposes of burial: Father,
11mother, husband, wife
parent, spouse, child, guardian, next of kin, domestic partner
12under ch. 770, or in the absence of any of the foregoing, a friend, or a person charged
13by law with the responsibility for burial. If 2 or more such persons assume custody
14of the body, the consent of one of them shall be deemed sufficient.
AB484,203 15Section 203 . 182.004 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,77,2116 182.004 (6) Stock may be issued and leases made to husband and wife spouses,
17and to the survivor of them, in which event title shall descend the same as in like
18conveyances of real property subject to ch. 766. Otherwise, title to the stock and lease
19shall descend to the persons to whom a homestead of the stockholder would descend
20except as provided in ch. 766. The interest of a tenant in the lease and stock shall
21be exempt from execution to the same extent as a homestead in real estate.
AB484,204 22Section 204 . 250.04 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,78,223 250.04 (3) (a) The department shall establish and maintain surveillance
24activities sufficient to detect any occurrence of acute, communicable , or chronic

1diseases and threat of occupational or environmental hazards, injuries, or changes
2in the health of mothers parents and children.
AB484,205 3Section 205. 253.165 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,78,11 4253.165 Right to breast-feed breastfeed. A mother person may
5breast-feed her breastfeed a child in any public or private location where the mother
6person and child are otherwise authorized to be. In such a location, no person may
7prohibit a mother another person from breast-feeding her breastfeeding a child,
8direct a mother person to move to a different location to breast-feed her breastfeed
child, direct a mother person to cover her a child or breast while breast-feeding
10breastfeeding, or otherwise restrict a mother person from breast-feeding her
11breastfeeding a child as provided in this section.
AB484,206 12Section 206. 301.01 (2) (cm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,78,1413 301.01 (2) (cm) Any expectant mother parent held in custody under ss. 48.193
14to 48.213.
AB484,207 15Section 207 . 301.12 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,79,1216 301.12 (2) Except as provided in subs. (2m) and (14) (b) and (c), any person,
17including a person placed under s. 938.183, 938.32 (1) (bm) or (c), 938.34 (4h) or (4m),
18or 938.357 (1), (2m), (4), or (5) (e), receiving care, maintenance, services, and supplies
19provided by any institution in this state operated or contracted for by the
20department, in which the state is chargeable with all or part of the person's care,
21maintenance, services, and supplies, and the person's property and estate, including
22the homestead, and the spouse of the person, and the spouse's property and estate,
23including the homestead, and, in the case of a minor child, the parents of the person,
24and their property and estates, including their homestead, and, in the case of a
25foreign child described in s. 48.839 (1) who became dependent on public funds for his

1or her primary support before an order granting his or her adoption, the resident of
2this state appointed guardian of the child by a foreign court who brought the child
3into this state for the purpose of adoption, and his or her property and estate,
4including his or her homestead, shall be liable for the cost of the care, maintenance,
5services, and supplies in accordance with the fee schedule established by the
6department under s. 301.03 (18). If a spouse, widow surviving spouse, or minor, or
7an incapacitated person, may be lawfully dependent upon the property for his or her
8support, the court shall release all or such part of the property and estate from the
9charges that may be necessary to provide for that person. The department shall
10make every reasonable effort to notify the liable persons as soon as possible after the
11beginning of the maintenance, but the notice or the receipt of the notice is not a
12condition of liability.
AB484,208 13Section 208 . 301.50 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,79,2314 301.50 (1) In this section, “substantial parental relationship" means the
15acceptance and exercise of significant responsibility for the daily supervision,
16education, protection, and care of the child. In evaluating whether an individual has
17had a substantial parental relationship with the child, factors that may be
18considered include, but are not limited to, whether the individual has expressed
19concern for or interest in the support, care, or well-being of the child; whether the
20individual has neglected or refused to provide care or support for the child; and
21whether, with respect to an individual who is or may be the father a parent of the
22child, the individual has expressed concern for or interest in the support, care, or
23well-being of the mother during her parent who gave birth during pregnancy.
AB484,209 24Section 209 . 441.15 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
1441.15 (4) A nurse-midwife who discovers evidence that any aspect of care
2involves any complication which jeopardizes the health or life of a newborn or mother
3a pregnant or postpartum person shall consult with the collaborating physician
4under sub. (2) (b) or the physician's designee, or make a referral as specified in a
5written agreement under sub. (2) (b).
AB484,210 6Section 210 . 700.19 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,80,147 700.19 (2) Husband and wife Spouses. If persons named as owners in a
8document of title, transferees in an instrument of transfer, or buyers in a bill of sale
9are described in the document, instrument, or bill of sale as husband and wife
10married to each other, or are in fact husband and wife married to each other, they are
11joint tenants, unless the intent to create a tenancy in common is expressed in the
12document, instrument, or bill of sale. This subsection applies to property acquired
13before January 1, 1986, and, if ch. 766 does not apply when the property is acquired,
14to property acquired on or after January 1, 1986.
AB484,211 15Section 211 . 705.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,80,2116 705.01 (4) “Joint account" means an account, other than a marital account,
17payable on request to one or more of 2 or more parties whether or not mention is made
18of any right of survivorship. “Joint account" also means any account established with
19the right of survivorship on or after January 1, 1986, by 2 parties who claim to be
20husband and wife married to each other, which is payable on request to either or both
21of the parties.
AB484,212 22Section 212 . 705.01 (4m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,81,323 705.01 (4m) “Marital account" means an account established without the right
24of survivorship on or after January 1, 1986, by 2 parties who claim to be husband and
married to each other, which is payable on request to either or both of the parties

1and which is designated as a marital account. An account established by those
2parties with the right of survivorship under s. 766.58 (3) (f) or 766.60 is a joint
AB484,213 4Section 213 . 706.09 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,81,115 706.09 (1) (e) Marital interests. Homestead of the spouse of any transferor of
6an interest in real estate, if the recorded conveyance purporting to transfer the
7homestead states that the person executing it is single, unmarried , or widowed a
8surviving spouse
or fails to indicate the marital status of the transferor, and if the
9conveyance has, in either case, appeared of record for 5 years. This paragraph does
10not apply to the interest of a married person who is described of record as a holder
11in joint tenancy or of marital property with that transferor.
AB484,214 12Section 214 . 757.69 (1) (g) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,81,1413 757.69 (1) (g) 2. Order the release or detention of children or expectant mothers
persons pregnant with unborn children taken into custody.
AB484,215 15Section 215. 757.69 (1) (g) 9. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,81,1816 757.69 (1) (g) 9. Conduct hearings under s. 48.213 or 48.217 and thereafter
17order an adult expectant mother parent of an unborn child to be held in or released
18from custody.
AB484,216 19Section 216 . 757.69 (1m) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: