111. Other costs identified by the department as reasonable and necessary for
2proper investigation, analysis of remedial action options, remedial action planning,
3and remedial action to meet the requirements of s. 292.11.
(c) The department may not award aid under this section to cover any of the
5following costs:
1. The cost of activities conducted prior to the award of aid under this section,
7except for activities conducted at a site or facility under sub. (4) (a).
2. The cost of activities that the department determines are not integral to the
9investigation and remediation of a discharge or environmental pollution.
4. The cost of investigations or remedial action conducted outside this state.
5. Costs for financing eligible activities.
13(7) Application for aid. Eligible applicants shall submit an application on a
14form prescribed by the department and shall include any information the
15department finds necessary to evaluate the eligibility of the project and amount of
16aid to be awarded.
17(8) Rules; records. The department shall promulgate rules to administer the
18program under this section, including rules prescribing the criteria for determining
19the amount of aid to be awarded, the records that must be maintained by an
20applicant, and the periods for which those records must be retained. The department
21may inspect any document in the possession of an applicant or any other person if
22the document is relevant to an application for aid under this section.
Dry cleaner environmental response fund transfer. The unencumbered
2balance in the dry cleaner environmental response fund under s. 25.48, 2021 stats.,
3is transferred to the environmental fund under s. 25.46.”.
(3) (a) An owner shall notify the department of the location of a well that
7is not a high capacity well before construction of the well begins. An owner notifying
8the department under this subsection shall pay a fee of
$50 $70.”.
(5e) Well construction variances. The department shall collect a fee
12of $100 from an owner requesting a variance from the requirements of well
13construction rules promulgated by the department.”.
(4) (aj)
Water resources—
ballast water discharge permits commercial
17vessel arrival fees. From the general fund, all moneys received from fees collected
s. 283.35 (1m) to administer and enforce the ballast water discharge permit
19program under s. 283.35 (1m) and for grants under 2009 Wisconsin Act 28, section
209137 (3w) s. 299.65 for management, administration, inspection, monitoring, and
21enforcement activities relating to incidental discharges, including ballast water
1299.65 Commercial vessels subject to federal Vessel Incidental
2Discharge Act. (1) (a) Subject to pars. (b) and (c), the owner or operator of any
3commercial vessel subject to the requirements of the federal Vessel Incidental
4Discharge Act under
33 USC 1322 (p) that has operated outside this state shall pay
5to the department, no later than 5 days prior to arriving in a port of this state, $650
6per arrival to a port of this state.
(b) The owner or operator of a commercial vessel engaged in coastwise trade
8that is subject to the requirements of
46 USC 55101 to
55103 may not be required
9to pay more than $3,250 in fees per calendar year under this subsection.
(c) The owner or operator of a commercial vessel that is subject to the
11requirements of the federal Vessel Incidental Discharge Act under
33 USC 1322 (p)
12may not be required to pay more than $3,250 in fees per calendar year under this
14(2) The department may adjust the amount of the fee under sub. (1) (a) once
15every 5 years to account for any changes in the U.S. consumer price index for all
16urban consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by the U.S. department of labor
17for the month of October immediately preceding the date of adjustment, as provided
33 USC 1322 (p) (9) (A) (iv) (III) (aa).
19(3) The department shall credit all fees collected under sub. (1) (a) to the
20appropriation account under s. 20.370 (4) (aj).