(1) (a) 1. A
wife married person upon
a husband his or her spouse with
he or she is living at the time of
his the spouse's death.
(3) (a) 3. The decedent's
father or mother parent or parents if the
15decedent leaves no surviving spouse, domestic partner under ch. 770, or children.
(12) “Marital status" means the status of being married, single,
18divorced, separated
, or
a surviving spouse.
(12) (a) 4. A
male person who has been adjudicated the child's
father 25parent under subch. VIII of ch. 48, under subch. IX of ch. 767, by final order or
1judgment of an Indian tribal court of competent jurisdiction or by final order or
2judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction in another state.
(13) “Person acting as a parent of a child" means a relative of the child
5or a private individual allowed to act as a parent of a child by the child's
biological 6natural or adoptive parents or guardian, and includes the child's grandparent,
7neighbor, friend or private individual caring for the child with the explicit or tacit
8approval of the child's
biological natural or adoptive parents or guardian. “Person
9acting as a parent of a child" does not include any person that receives public funds
10to care for the child if such funds exceed the cost of such care.
(2) Testing. Any hospital employee who provides health care, social
13worker, or intake worker under ch. 48 may refer an infant or
an expectant mother
14of a person pregnant with an unborn child, as defined in s. 48.02 (19), to a physician
15for testing of the bodily fluids of the infant or
expectant mother pregnant person for
16controlled substances or controlled substance analogs if the hospital employee who
17provides health care, social worker, or intake worker suspects that the infant or
18expectant mother pregnant person has controlled substances or controlled substance
19analogs in the bodily fluids of the infant or
expectant mother pregnant person 20because of the use of controlled substances or controlled substance analogs by the
21mother person who gave birth to the infant while
she that person was pregnant with
22the infant or by the
expectant mother pregnant person while
she that person is
23pregnant with the unborn child. The physician may test the infant or
24mother pregnant person to ascertain whether or not the infant or
expectant mother 25pregnant person has controlled substances or controlled substance analogs in the
1bodily fluids of the infant or
expectant mother pregnant person, if the physician
2determines that there is a serious risk that there are controlled substances or
3controlled substance analogs in the bodily fluids of the infant or
expectant mother 4pregnant person because of the use of controlled substances or controlled substance
5analogs by the
mother person who gave birth to the infant while
she that person was
6pregnant with the infant or by the
expectant mother
pregnant person while
she that
7person is pregnant with the unborn child and that the health of the infant, the
8unborn child or the child when born may be adversely affected by the controlled
9substances or controlled substance analogs. If the results of the test indicate that
10the infant does have controlled substances or controlled substance analogs in the
11infant's bodily fluids, the physician shall report the occurrence of that condition in
12the infant to the agency, as defined in s. 48.981 (1) (ag), that is responsible for
13conducting child abuse and neglect investigations under s. 48.981, and that agency
14shall offer to provide, or arrange or refer for the provision of, services and treatment
15for the child and the
child's mother person who gave birth to the child as provided
16under s. 46.238. If the results of the test indicate that the
expectant mother pregnant
17person does have controlled substances or controlled substance analogs in the
18expectant mother's pregnant person's bodily fluids, the physician may report the
19occurrence of that condition in the
expectant mother
pregnant person to the agency,
20as defined in s. 48.981 (1) (ag), that is responsible for conducting unborn child abuse
21investigations under s. 48.981, and that agency shall offer to provide, or arrange or
22refer for the provision of, services and treatment for the unborn child and
23mother pregnant person as provided under s. 46.238. Under this subsection, no
24physician may test
an expectant mother a pregnant person without first receiving
25her that person's informed consent to the testing.
(3) Test results. (intro.) The physician who performs a test under
3sub. (2) shall provide the infant's parents or guardian or the
expectant mother 4pregnant person with all of the following information:
(b) A statement of explanation that the test results of an infant must, and that
6the test results of
an expectant mother a pregnant person may, be disclosed to an
7agency under sub. (2) if the test results are positive.
(2) Evaluation. If a hospital employee who provides health care,
10social worker, or intake worker under ch. 48 suspects that an infant has a fetal
11alcohol spectrum disorder, the hospital employee, social worker, or intake worker
12shall refer the infant to a physician for an evaluation to diagnose whether the infant
13has that disorder. If a physician determines that there is a serious risk that an infant
14has a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, the physician shall evaluate the infant to
15diagnose whether the infant has that disorder. If a physician diagnoses that an
16infant has a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, the physician shall report that diagnosis
17to the agency that is responsible for conducting child abuse and neglect
18investigations under s. 48.981, and that agency shall offer to provide, or arrange or
19refer for the provision of, services and treatment for the infant and the
20mother person who gave birth to the infant as provided under s. 46.238.
(1) (f) “Parent" means a
biological natural parent
, a husband who has
23consented to the artificial insemination of his wife under s. 891.40 or a parent by
24adoption. If the minor is a nonmarital child who is not adopted or whose parents do
25not subsequently intermarry under s. 767.803, “parent" includes a person adjudged
1in a judicial proceeding under ch. 48 to be the biological
father parent of the minor.
2“Parent" does not include any person whose parental rights have been terminated.
(1) In this section, “fetal monitor tracing" means documentation of the
5heart tones of a fetus during labor and delivery of the
mother of the fetus person
6giving birth that are recorded from an electronic fetal monitor machine.