Sexual contact between agent and prisoner, 940.225 (2) (i)
Voting ineligibility, notice to felons required on release to, 302.117
Extradition of prisoners as witnesses, 976.01
Fingerprinting and criminal identification, 165.84
Foreign criminals, governor may transfer to foreign countries under treaties, 302.185
Habeas corpus, see Habeas Corpus
Health care, see Medical care, under this head
Huber law, 303.065, 303.08
Humane treatment and punishment, 302.08
Innocent persons, compensation, 775.05
Jail, see Jails
Labor, see Prison labor, under this head
Leave for qualified inmate, 303.06
Life term:
Not entitled to mandatory release, 302.11 (1m)
Parole, 304.06 (1)
Release to extended supervision from life sentence:
Eligibility determination at sentencing, 973.014
Petition for, 302.114
Limitation of actions, time extended, 893.16 to 893.18
Liquor prohibition, exception, 302.375
Litigation by prisoners:
Appeals, 809.103
Costs of actions, 814.25
Security for costs, 814.29
Discovery limits, 804.015
Injunctions in prison condition cases, 813.40
Judgments for prisoner, payment, 806.025
Limits on recovery, 895.455