sr41(1)(c) (c) A motion to withdraw a matter from the committee on senate organization, if approved, places the matter on the next succeeding calendar established by the committee on senate organization under rule 18 (1). A motion to withdraw a matter from any other committee, if approved, places the matter in the committee on senate organization unless the senate rerefers the matter to a different committee.
sr41(1)(d) (d) Whenever a bill is introduced in the senate or assembly under section 227.19 (5) (e) or 227.26 (2) (f) of the statutes, the bill is considered reported without recommendation and shall be placed before the committee on senate organization if a report is not received from the standing committee within 30 days after the date of referral. This paragraph does not apply if the bill is introduced within 30 days after the time at which further proposals may not be introduced or offered in the biennial session under joint rule 83 (2).
sr41(1)(e) (e) If the committee on senate organization receives a standing committee's report on a proposal that by statute requires review by the joint committee on finance before being passed, the committee on senate organization may rerefer that proposal to the joint committee on finance. The chief clerk shall promptly record the rereferral in the journal. The committee on senate organization may, with the consent of the senate cochairperson of the joint committee on finance, withdraw a proposal from the joint committee on finance and make the proposal available for scheduling. Withdrawal under this rule satisfies section 13.093 (1) of the statutes.
sr41(2) (2) Reference to committee is not in order after a proposal is passed or indefinitely postponed or finally disposed of by any action equivalent thereto. Questions of reconsideration, concurrence in amendments of the assembly, conference committee reports, or executive vetoes may be placed on the table, but may not be referred to committee.
sr41(3) (3) The legislative council is not a legislative committee within the meaning of this rule and reference of proposals thereto for recommendation as in the case of standing or special committees is not in order.
[(1)(d) cr. 1981 S.Res. 2]
[(1)(c) and (d) am. 1987 S.Res. 2, 1993 S.Res. 3]
[(1)(e) cr. 1997 S.Res. 2]
[(1)(a), (b) and (d), (2) and (3) am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[(1)(a) to (d) and (2) am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
[(1)(b) and (e) am. 2005 S.Res. 2]
[(1)(a) and (c) am. 2007 S.Res. 2
[(1)(e) am. 2009 S.Res. 2]]
sr42 Senate Rule 42. Messaging to the assembly; proposals held during reconsideration period.
sr42(1)(1) Every bill or joint resolution upon which such action has been taken that it is next to be messaged to the assembly shall be so messaged by the chief clerk, but shall be held in the chief clerk's office until the time for reconsideration of the bill or joint resolution has expired. If the rules have been suspended for immediate messaging, the chief clerk shall enter the action in the history file for the bill or joint resolution. Every privileged joint resolution is messaged immediately without a suspension of the rules unless it is otherwise ordered by the senate.
sr42(2) (2) A bill or joint resolution that has been ordered immediately messaged to the assembly by the suspension of this rule is subject to further action by the senate while the bill or joint resolution is in physical possession of the senate. The further action is contingent upon a motion to rescind the action of ordering its immediate messaging being decided by a two-thirds vote.
[(1) am. 1995 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
sr43 Senate Rule 43. Enrolling bills and joint resolutions. Promptly after a senate bill has passed both houses, and before it is presented to the governor for approval, the chief clerk shall deliver the jacket to the legislative reference bureau, which shall enroll the bill, prepare the requisite number of copies, and return the jacket and copies to the chief clerk, who shall record it correctly enrolled in the journal stating the day it was presented to the governor. As far as applicable, the same procedure shall be followed in the case of senate joint resolutions requiring enrolling.
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr44 Senate Rule 44. Signing of documents. The original of all enrolled acts and joint resolutions, all engrossed resolutions, and all writs, warrants, and subpoenas issued by order of the senate shall be signed by the president, and attested by the chief clerk.
[am. 1995 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
sr44m Senate Rule 44m. Presentation to the governor. The chief clerk shall present all correctly enrolled bills to the governor as provided in the session schedule unless any of the following occur:
sr44m(1) (1) Upon motion of the senate, the chief clerk shall present a correctly enrolled bill to the governor as provided in the motion.
sr44m(2) (2) Upon directive of the majority leader, unless otherwise provided by the session schedule or motion of the senate, the chief clerk shall present a correctly enrolled bill to the governor as provided in the directive.
sr44m(3) (3) Upon the call of the governor, unless otherwise provided by the session schedule, motion of the senate, or directive of the president, the chief clerk shall immediately present a correctly enrolled bill to the governor.
[cr. 2009 S.Res. 2]
sr45 Senate Rule 45. Offering of privileged resolution. A resolution privileged by rule 69 shall, when sent to the clerk's desk, be read at length by the chief clerk, but may be read by its relating clause if a copy of the text has been made available to the members. When so read, the privileged resolution is before the senate.
[am. 1995 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2001 S.Res. 2]
[am. 2003 S.Res. 3]
[am. 2021 S.Res. 8]
sr46 Senate Rule 46. Presentation, introduction, and offering of proposals and other matters.
sr46(1)(1) Proposals, amendments, petitions, reports, communications, or other documents that may properly come before the senate shall be presented by a member thereof to the chief clerk, or a staff member designated by the chief clerk, at anytime, except as otherwise provided in senate rule 93 (1p) and joint rule 83 (2). A brief statement of the contents thereof must appear thereon, together with the name of the members introducing or offering the same. The chief clerk shall number all proposals, amendments, and petitions.
sr46(2) (2)
sr46(2)(a)(a) The chief clerk shall advise the president of documents presented under sub. (1) that must be referred under the rules and the president shall promptly refer the document to the appropriate committee. The chief clerk shall maintain the confidentiality of any proposal presented under sub. (1) that is pending referral, except that, if requested by any person, the chief clerk shall inform the person of the status of a proposal pending referral under this paragraph. In addition, if requested by any person, the president shall inform the person of the status of a proposal pending referral under this paragraph.
sr46(2)(am) (am) The president shall refer every notice and report concerning a proposed administrative rule received by the presiding officer under section 227.19 of the statutes to the appropriate standing committee of the senate within 10 working days following receipt and provide notice to that committee whenever the president is informed that a proposed rule is being withdrawn. The president shall refer any report received from a standing committee that objects to a proposed rule to the joint committee for review of administrative rules.
sr46(2)(b) (b) Within 3 working days after the time of initial referral by the president under par. (am), a proposed rule may, with consent of the chairperson of the standing committee, be withdrawn from the standing committee to which it is referred and rereferred to another standing committee. Such action does not extend the standing committee review period. Rereferral may be made at any time.
sr46(2)(c) (c) After the time of initial referral by the president under rule 36 (2), the president may, with the consent of the chairperson of the standing committee and the chairperson of the committee on senate organization, withdraw a proposal or appointment from the standing committee to which it is referred and rerefer it to another standing committee. Rereferral under this rule may be made at any time, but may not be used to satisfy section 13.093 (1) of the statutes.
sr46(3) (3) The chief clerk shall promptly record in the journal the date on which each proposal, substitute amendment, and amendment is introduced or offered. The date of introduction or offering is as follows: