DCF 251.05(4)(a)18.18. The handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of biocontaminants. In this subdivision, “biocontaminants” includes blood, body fluids, or excretions that may spread infectious disease.
DCF 251.05 NoteNote: The licensee may use the department’s form, Staff Orientation Checklist - Group Child Care Centers, for documenting staff orientation. The form is available on the department’s website at https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/cclicensing/ccformspubs.
DCF 251.05(4)(b)(b) Staff meetings. To ensure that staff have the opportunity to receive pertinent information and clarification of problems and issues, each center shall conduct in-person staff meetings at least 9 times in a calendar year or one time for each month of center operation and shall document that staff meetings have been held.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)(c) Continuing education.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)1.1. Each administrator, center director, child care worker, school-age administrator, and school-age director shall participate in at least 15 hours of continuing education annually.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)2m.2m. Each administrator, center director, child care worker, school-age administrator, or school-age director who works fewer than 8 months per year shall participate in the equivalent of at least 2 hours of continuing education per month of employment as an administrator, center director, child care worker, school-age administrator, or school-age director.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)3.3. Any continuing education hours completed that exceed the annual requirement for the year may be used to meet the annual requirement in the 2 years following completion.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)4.4. Continuing education courses completed for credit that exceed the annual requirement for the year may be used to meet the annual requirement in the 2 years following completion.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)5.5. Assistant child care teachers who are currently enrolled in their first entry level course are not required to earn continuing education for that year.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)6.6. The types of training acceptable to meet continuing education requirements shall be limited to any of the following:
DCF 251.05(4)(c)6.a.a. Formal courses resulting in credits or continuing education units.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)6.b.b. Workshops, conferences, seminars, lectures, correspondence courses, and home study courses.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)6.c.c. Training offered by the child care center through the use of guest or staff trainers.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)6.d.d. Documented observation time in other early childhood programs.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)6.e.e. Web-based training.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)6.f.f. Independent reading.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)6.g.g. Viewing educational materials, including videos, lesson plans, and websites.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)6.h.h. For participants in the YoungStar program, technical assistance under s. 48.659, Stats.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)7.7. Continuing education may be in any of the following topics:
DCF 251.05(4)(c)7.a.a. Prevention and control of infectious diseases.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)7.b.b. Medication administration.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)7.c.c. Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)7.d.d. Identification of and protection from hazards.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)7.e.e. Building and physical premises safety.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)7.f.f. Emergency preparedness and response planning.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)7.g.g. Handling and storage of hazardous materials.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)7.h.h. Handling and disposal of biocontaminants.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)7.i.i. Child growth and development.
DCF 251.05(4)(c)7.j.j. Caring for children with disabilities.